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What are My Money Purchase/Profit Sharing Plan Investment Options?

Generally the same kind of investment options available in a 401(k) are present in these plans. Money Purchase and Profit Sharing Plans have several investment options, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, fixed accounts, annuities, certificates of deposit, and a few others. Keep in mind that Money Purchase and Profit Sharing Plan investments are determined by the financial institution at which your plan is established. If you are opening a Money Purchase/Profit Sharing Plan, be sure to find out what investment options the financial institution offers and what fees may be charged to accounts per year, per trade, etc. Continue reading...

What are Asset-Backed Securities?

An Asset-Backed Security, or ABS, are bonds or notes backed by financial assets. It is an example of “securitization.” The assets within the ABS generally tend to consist of different kinds of debt receivables, such as credit cards, auto loans, home equity loans, and so forth. Banks build portfolios of receivables in making loans and issuing credit, and then in many cases package these loans together and sell them to investors (known as “securitization”). Continue reading...

Best Day Trading Guide

Day traders, by definition, trade on a very short-term time frame, seeking to generate profits by opening and closing positions hour-by-hour and having the majority of their positions closed by the end of the day. Short-term profits and income are the goals with most day-traders, and the term is used more and more for “amateur” traders who trade from home and treat it as their primary occupation without being part of a brokerage firm. Day trading has become more and more prevalent for independent, non-affiliated investors who trade from their computers at home for hours a day. Continue reading...

What is the Federal Open Market Committee?

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is the monetary policy-making body of the Federal Reserve System. The FOMC makes the decision on “raising” or “lowering” interest rates, which refers to moves in the federal funds rate. The FOMC consists of 12 members, which is comprised of the seven members of the Board of Governors and 5 of the 12 Reserve Bank presidents. The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York always has a seat on the FOMC, while the other presidents rotate for one year terms. This policy-making body meets eight times a year to decide monetary policy, which consists of setting the benchmark interest rate and make decisions regarding the supply of money. All dependent on economic conditions. Continue reading...

What are the components of a flow derivative, and how do they contribute to its calculation?

Unlock the Power of Flow Derivatives! 📈 Discover the world of flow derivatives, specialized financial instruments offering unique ways to profit from market movements. Learn about their components, like leveraged synthetic positions and stop-loss mechanisms. Master the art of trading with our expert insights. #Finance #FlowDerivatives #Trading Continue reading...

What is the Individual Retirement Account (IRA)?: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlock the secrets of the Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and its pivotal role in shaping a secure retirement. From its unique tax advantages to its diverse types, discover how the IRA can be your ultimate tool for a financially stable future. Dive in to master your retirement planning. Continue reading...

Top Stocks Vaccine Industry

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the vaccine industry stands out as a beacon of innovation and resilience. This subset of the biotech and pharmaceutical sectors is not just about combating seasonal flu or childhood diseases; it's at the forefront of addressing global health challenges. The current players in this domain, notably Merck & Co (MRK), Pfizer (PFE), and Novavax (NVAX), are not just manufacturers of vaccines but pioneers in medical science. Continue reading...

FAQ: Can you explain the differences between each generation of AI Robots?

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How Can You Master the Top 15 Rules for Trading Success?

Want to trade like the pros? Dive into our definitive guide on the top 15 rules for trading success. From strategic insights to mastering the psychological game, discover the keys to navigating the financial markets with precision and confidence. Your trading evolution starts here! Continue reading...

How do I get IPO shares?

Participating in an IPO is generally limited to institutional investors. However, if you are a high net worth client at a brokerage firm that has access to the IPO, you may be able to purchase some shares. First, you need to know that investing in IPOs is considered speculative and only suitable for experienced investors will substantial assets. If you meet the criteria that your brokerage has for allowing IPO trading, which may include a minimum account balance of $250,000 or so, you may be allowed to submit an Indication of Interest (IOI), which is a document used to request shares in the IPO. Continue reading...