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What is a strike price?

A strike price names the price of the underlying security in options or derivative contract at which the underlying security will trade at settlement if it is exercised. In a call option, for example, the option would name a strike price, and if the current market price of the underlying security was more than the strike price, an investor who held the call contract would invoke his right to purchase the stock from the issuer/seller of the option at the strike price, which, remember is lower than the prevailing market price in this example, and the investor can turn around and sell it in the market at or near its most recent, and higher, price, for a profit. Continue reading...

How Does Cloud Mining Bitcoin Work?

It is possible to participate in bitcoin mining indirectly, by partially funding a remote mining operation. Cloud mining is separate and distinct from pool mining, because instead of owning hardware and pooling resources with other miners to increase the likelihood of securing profits, cloud mining simply secures funding from investors, essentially, who have a contract to participate in profits of a mining pool in a remote locations based on the bandwidth of Gigahashes/s that they would like to fund (“buy”). Continue reading...

What defines a stock market crash?

📉 Unlock the Secrets of Stock Market Crashes! Discover the true definition of a stock market crash and its historical impact. Learn how to safeguard your investments through circuit breakers, regulatory oversight, risk management, and market-wide coordination. Navigate the financial world with confidence. 💼💰 #InvestmentWisdom Continue reading...

How to Swing Trade?

Swing trading, like all trading strategies, has its advantages and disadvantages. Swing trading consists of market participants attempting to profit from price swings of a minimum of one day and as long as several weeks. If proper risk management is implemented so losses are kept small and winning trades are allowed to grow, swing trading can be quite profitable. This article will discuss swing trading in greater detail, including the various strategies utilized, the risks involved, the best practices to follow, and how to get started. Continue reading...

What does Electronic Transfer Account (ETA) mean, and what is its functioning?

Unlock the power of Electronic Transfer Accounts (ETAs) for federal payment recipients! Discover the convenience of direct deposit, zero minimum balance requirements, and more. Simplify your financial life with ETAs - the modern way to access federal payments securely. #FinancialInclusion #ETA Continue reading...

What Is Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)?

Purchasing power parity (PPP) is a fundamental concept in macroeconomics that allows analysts to compare economic productivity and standards of living across different countries. At its core, PPP seeks to equalize the value of a common basket of goods in various currencies, thus enabling a meaningful comparison between nations. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of PPP, how it's calculated, and its real-world applications. Continue reading...

What Are 5 Simple Ways to Invest in Real Estate?

When it comes to investing your hard-earned money, the options can seem overwhelming. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate are all on the table, but which one suits your goals, risk tolerance, and level of involvement? If you're looking for an investment that offers the potential for both steady income and appreciation, real estate might be the answer. In this article, we'll explore five simple ways to invest in real estate and how they can fit into your investment strategy. Continue reading...

What Is Range-Bound Trading?

Range-bound trading is a strategic approach employed by traders seeking to profit from securities trading within specific price channels. This method involves identifying crucial support and resistance levels and connecting them using horizontal trendlines. Traders capitalize on this strategy by buying securities at the lower support trendline and selling them at the upper resistance trendline, within the established channel. Continue reading...

What is Probate?

Probate is the legal process that takes place after a person’s death, during which legal documents (such as wills and trusts) are reviewed and enforced. A person’s will generally must be validated by the court, after which the person’s assets are distributed to the heirs accordingly. If there is no will, then the probate court will decide how to distribute the assets, which may not be consistent with the deceased’s actual wishes. Continue reading...

What are Some of the Biggest Bankruptcies in Recent History?

Before Lehman Brothers and Bear Sterns, probably the most well-known and publicized bankruptcy was the infamous Enron scandal. To summarize, Enron executives, fully aware that the company was insolvent, started to sell their stock, while convincing the general public that the stock would continue to rise and the company was prospering (despite actual horrendous losses). As the stock dropped lower and lower, the executives continued to lie to the public, and most people fell into the trap, convinced that the low stock prices were a great opportunity (the stock was going to rebound any day – or so they thought). Continue reading...