FAQ: 401K Portfolios

  1. Q: Where can I find my portfolios are created?
    A: Check out My Portfolios under the investing tab at the top of the menu bar.


      2. Q: Is the money in my portfolio real?

A: Please note that the money reflected in your portfolio is not real; however, the trades and allocations are in real time. We are currently testing Tickeron with several brokerages to integrate seamlessly, but until then, you can manually copy the allocation and apply it to your brokerage account.


  1. Q: How do I remove or add a position or a Ticker in my Portfolios?
    A: To edit the portfolio you created, kindly click on "CREATE" under "DYI NEXT TRADE"



Then you can add more stocks, by typing in the ticker and clicking the "+: button.



You can also lock or remove stocks you no longer want from your list.


If you're interested in learning how to edit your Tickeron portfolio, you can check out this video https://youtu.be/O6A9v8Vn3LU  which provides a detailed step-by-step guide.


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