Best AI Stock Screener - Trial $1

  • Get access to various Asset classes & Industries
  • Identify stocks that match a certain set of your criteria by filtering stocks using Technical and Fundamental analysis filters.
  • Create new watchlists and filters to cover each of your investment strategies.
How It Works
Tickeron's AI Screener is the best way to select what to invest in and what to trade. You can either create new filters for your preferred selections or you can use our preset "popular filters". Filters include our proprietary fundamental ratings, technical indicators, patterns, market cap fluctuations, volume and price changes, etc. Scanners are add-on features that can track the end-of-day performance of your watchlists and portfolios.
Asset classes & Industries
Here, you can select preferred stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, forex and cryptos that you find with our screener tools.
Filters include price, market cap fluctuations, volume, revenue, dividend yields, and other characteristics for each quarter in the past four years. Using these features, you can create, save, reset, and copy your desired filters to cover each of your investing strategies.
Filter Summary
When you select different values for filters then you can see it in one place as well as you can save it or copy URL.
Once you've saved and named a watchlist, share your ideas with fellow investors, colleagues, or friends so they can follow your performance and compare their own strategies against yours.
Stock Research Tool for Investors, Day and Swing Traders
Use Tickeron's stock screener to identify stocks that match a certain set of your criteria. Filter stocks by industry, price, the average number of shares that change hands during a day and more. It an essential tool for day and swing trading - especially if you aren't sure which assets to buy and sell.