CHEF Price Prediction, Chefs' Warehouse (The) AI Recommendations

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Industry description

Food distributors function as intermediaries between food manufacturers and food service operators (such as chefs, restaurants, beverage managers, cafeterias, industrial caterers, hospitals and nursing homes). Food distribution companies buy, store and then supply food items to the food service operators, thereby allowing the latter to have access to a wide range of food items from various manufacturers. Sysco Corporation, US Foods Holding Corp. and Herbalife Nutrition Ltd. are some of the biggest (by market cap) U.S. companies in this segment. Most food service operators buy from local, specialty, and/or broad line food service distributors on a daily or weekly basis. With the rise in e-commerce, consumers are increasingly expecting lower prices, faster service, and higher quality – something that potentially creates the impetus on distribution networks to raise their game.

Market Cap

The average market capitalization across the Food Distributors Industry is 4.86B. The market cap for tickers in the group ranges from 21.55K to 40.11B. SYY holds the highest valuation in this group at 40.11B. The lowest valued company is LFER at 21.55K.

High and low price notable news

The average weekly price growth across all stocks in the Food Distributors Industry was 5%. For the same Industry, the average monthly price growth was 7%, and the average quarterly price growth was 13%. MCLE experienced the highest price growth at 87%, while IVFH experienced the biggest fall at -5%.


The average weekly volume growth across all stocks in the Food Distributors Industry was 40%. For the same stocks of the Industry, the average monthly volume growth was -22% and the average quarterly volume growth was -48%

Fundamental Analysis Ratings

The average fundamental analysis ratings, where 1 is best and 100 is worst, are as follows

Valuation Rating: 47
P/E Growth Rating: 62
Price Growth Rating: 51
SMR Rating: 78
Profit Risk Rating: 69
Seasonality Score: -22 (-100 ... +100)
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General Information

a distributor of specialty food products

Industry FoodDistributors

Food Distributors
100 East Ridge Road
+1 203 894-1345