DUSK.X Crypto Dusk cryptocurrency (DUSK.X, $0.24) price moved above its 50-day Moving Average on September 02, 2024

DUSK.X - Dusk cryptocurrency
Moving Avg. signal
Bullish Trend
Odds of UP Trend
Moving Avg. signal
Price: $0.241074
Daily change: +$0.037569 (+18.46%)
Daily volume: 29.8M
Capitalization: $111.9M
This price move could indicate a change in the trend, and may be a buy signal for investors. A.I.dvisor found 48 similar cases, and were successful. Based on this data, the odds of success are

Aroon Indicator for DUSK.X shows an upward move is likely

DUSK.X's Aroon Indicator triggered a bullish signal on September 05, 2024. Tickeron's A.I.dvisor detected that the AroonUp green line is above 70 while the AroonDown red line is below 30. When the up indicator moves above 70 and the down indicator remains below 30, it is a sign that the stock could be setting up for a bullish move. Traders may want to buy the stock or look to buy calls options. A.I.dvisor looked at 321 similar instances where the Aroon Indicator showed a similar pattern. In of the 321 cases, the stock moved higher in the days that followed. This puts the odds of a move higher at .

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