SKL.X Crypto SKALE cryptocurrency (SKL.X, $0.04) Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) Histogram turned negative on July 4, 2024

SKL.X - SKALE cryptocurrency
MACD signal
Bearish Trend
Odds of DOWN Trend
MACD signal
Price: $0.041178
Daily change: -$0.005391 (-11.58%)
Daily volume: 22.1M
Capitalization: $226.2M
This is a Bearish indicator signaling SKL.X's price could decline from here. Traders may explore shorting the stock or put options. A.I. dvisor identified 50 similar cases where SKL.X's MACD histogram became negative, and of them led to successful outcomes. Odds of Success:

SKL.X's Indicator enters downward trend

The Aroon Indicator for SKL.X entered a downward trend on September 13, 2024. Tickeron's A.I.dvisor identified a pattern where the AroonDown red line was above 70 while the AroonUp green line was below 30 for three straight days. This could indicate a strong downward move is ahead for the stock. Traders may want to consider selling the stock or buying put options. A.I.dvisor looked at 227 similar instances where the Aroon Indicator formed such a pattern. In of the 227 cases the stock moved lower. This puts the odds of a downward move at .

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