TBRG Stock TruBridge (TBRG, $11.89) price may climb as it broke lower Bollinger Band on Aug 28, 2024

TBRG - TruBridge
Bollinger signal
Bullish Trend
Odds of UP Trend
Bollinger signal
Price: $11.89
Daily change: -$0.16 (-1.33%)
Daily volume: 60.6K
Capitalization: $177.9M
Industry: Packaged Software
This price move could be a signal that TBRG may jump back above the lower band and head toward the middle band. Traders may consider buying the stock or exploring call options. A.I.dvisor backtested 39 similar cases where TBRG's price broke its lower Bollinger Band, and of them led to a successful outcome. Odds of Success:

TBRG sees its Stochastic Oscillator ascends from oversold territory

On August 30, 2024, the Stochastic Oscillator for TBRG moved out of oversold territory and this could be a bullish sign for the stock. Traders may want to buy the stock or buy call options. Tickeron's A.I.dvisor looked at 57 instances where the indicator left the oversold zone. In of the 57 cases the stock moved higher in the following days. This puts the odds of a move higher at over .

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a blank check company for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, and reorganization,

Industry PackagedSoftware
