Notable companies
The most notable companies in this group are Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT).
Industry description
The investment seeks maximum total return.
The fund's assets may be allocated to equity, debt/fixed income and money market instruments, and investments that provide exposure to commodities markets, including the Columbia Commodity Strategy Fund. The fund's equity security investments include: emerging market equities, international developed market equities, and U.S. equities. The fund's debt/fixed income security investments include: U.S. investment-grade bonds, international bonds, emerging market bonds, U.S. high yield (junk) bonds, convertible bonds, mortgage- and other asset-backed securities, and short-term money market instruments.
Market Cap
The average market capitalization across the Columbia Global Opportunities Inst MF is 1.75T. The market cap for tickers in the group ranges from 3.15T to 3.15T. MSFT holds the highest valuation in this group at 3.15T. The lowest valued company is MSFT at 3.15T.
The average weekly volume growth across all stocks in the Columbia Global Opportunities Inst MF was -11%. For the same stocks of the MF, the average monthly volume growth was -27% and the average quarterly volume growth was -27%
Fundamental Analysis Ratings
The average fundamental analysis ratings, where 1 is best and 100 is worst, are as follows
Valuation Rating: 74
P/E Growth Rating: 57
Price Growth Rating: 30
SMR Rating: 35
Profit Risk Rating: 15
Seasonality Score: -8 (-100 ... +100)