JRI Price Prediction, Nuveen Real Asset Income and Growth AI Recommendations

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Notable companies

The most notable companies in this group are Simon Property Group (NYSE:SPG), Kinder Morgan (NYSE:KMI).

Industry description

Nuveen Real Asset Income and Growth Fund is the United States-based closed-end fund. Its objective is to provide a high level of current income and long-term capital appreciation. The fund invests a majority of its managed assets in equity and debt securities issued by real asset related companies located anywhere in the world. Its strategy involves investments primarily in five security types, global infrastructure common stock, REIT preferred stock and debt securities. Real asset-related companies include those engaged in owning, operating, or developing infrastructure projects, facilities, and services, as well as REITs.

Market Cap

The average market capitalization across the Nuveen Real Asset Income and Growth ETF is 39.2B. The market cap for tickers in the group ranges from 542.19M to 76.58B. ENB holds the highest valuation in this group at 76.58B. The lowest valued company is SRG at 542.19M.

High and low price notable news

The average weekly price growth across all stocks in the Nuveen Real Asset Income and Growth ETF was 3%. For the same ETF, the average monthly price growth was 12%, and the average quarterly price growth was 27%. NGG experienced the highest price growth at 3%, while WMB experienced the biggest fall at -3%.


The average weekly volume growth across all stocks in the Nuveen Real Asset Income and Growth ETF was -37%. For the same stocks of the ETF, the average monthly volume growth was 34% and the average quarterly volume growth was 19%

Fundamental Analysis Ratings

The average fundamental analysis ratings, where 1 is best and 100 is worst, are as follows

Valuation Rating: 41
P/E Growth Rating: 49
Price Growth Rating: 40
SMR Rating: 66
Profit Risk Rating: 58
Seasonality Score: 2 (-100 ... +100)
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