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Investor $60 USD / month Select
Swing Trader $80 USD / month Select
Day Trader $90 USD / month Select
Expert $250 USD / month Select
Find your way. In Tickeron, you can Identify as a Swing Trader, Day trader, Investor, or Expert. We have 3 types of subscription plans under these Identifications (Beginner, Intermediate one, and Intermediate two). Once you identify the type of trader you are, we recommend plans depending on your trading status. You can add or remove any product from your subscription plan by checking or unchecking the boxes.
Day Trader - You get recommendations on our products that fit Day trading.
Swing Trader - You get recommendations on our products that fit swing trading.
Investor - You get recommendations on our products that fit an Investor's trading style.
Expert - Gives you access to all our products and robots, they are all included in the subscription plan.
Beginner - Gives you the Buy/Sell Daily Signals.
Intermediate one - You can get 1 Robot with $80/mo credit to use for other products with no trial period and any other Tickeron product you select (Buy/Sell Daily Signals included)
Intermediate two - You can get all Robots with $120/mo credit to use for other products with no trial period and any other Tickeron product you select (Buy/Sell Daily Signals included) After selecting your plans and products, you are taken to the next page, where you are given the option to choose a monthly plan or have a 40% discount on the yearly plan.
Subscribe annually and view the following pages:
Tickers, Compare 2 and 3,
Dashboard, Portfolios, and Scorecards
Includes 1 (One) AI Robot 1 (One) AI Robot allowed to follow and total Subscribe and get $80/mo $480/yr available credit Includes All AI Robots allowed to follow
Credit left out of $80 /mo /yr

Subscribe annually and view any score card, view Ticker, Compare, Dashboard, and Portfolios pages
Includes 1 (One) AI Robot allowed to follow and total
Subscribe and get $80/month available credit Includes 1 (One) AI Robot allowed to follow and total
Subscribe and get $576/yr available credit Includes All AI Robots allowed to follow
/ Autopilot

Subscribe annually and view any score card, view Ticker, Compare, Dashboard, and Portfolios pages
Includes 1 (One) AI Robot allowed to follow and total
Subscribe and get $80/month available credit Includes 1 (One) AI Robot allowed to follow and total
Subscribe and get $576/yr available credit Includes All AI Robots allowed to follow
/ Autopilot

Subscribe annually and view any score card, view Ticker, Compare, Dashboard, and Portfolios pages
Includes 1 (One) AI Robot allowed to follow and total
Subscribe and get $80/month available credit Includes 1 (One) AI Robot allowed to follow and total
Subscribe and get $576/yr available credit Includes All AI Robots allowed to follow
/ Autopilot