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Sideways within next week
A sideways next week community trend prediction means our Community expects no upward or downward price movement with a target price of -2% and +2% of the current price all days within the next week. Our Community trend prediction is crucial for day traders or swing traders seeking to profit from short-term price changes, which are often influenced by investor sentiment toward a security.
The algorithm considers the prediction a success if the price did not leave the range of -2% to +2%. In the case that this prediction is incorrect, profit and losses will be calculated at the end of the trading week.
Consider doing nothing when you see a ‘sideways’ community prediction with a high confidence level, or selling call and put options. If the security rises from this range, you may expect bullish or bearish trends.
A sideways next week community trend prediction means our Community expects no upward or downward price movement with a target price of -2% and +2% of the current price all days within the next week. Our Community trend prediction is crucial for day traders or swing traders seeking to profit from short-term price changes, which are often influenced by investor sentiment toward a security.
The algorithm considers the prediction a success if the price did not leave the range of -2% to +2%. In the case that this prediction is incorrect, profit and losses will be calculated at the end of the trading week.
Consider doing nothing when you see a ‘sideways’ community prediction with a high confidence level, or selling call and put options. If the security rises from this range, you may expect bullish or bearish trends.
Historical Results (since Feb 10, 2005)
A prediction is correct if a security rises +2% or more on any day within one week. rises +2% or more on any day throughout the course of one month. does not leave the range from -2% to +2% for one week. does not leave the range from -2% to +2% throughout one month. falls -2% or more during a week. falls -2% or more during one month.
Security Statistics since
Ticker |
# of
predictions |
# of correct
predictions |
Avg. return
if success |
Avg. return
if failure |
Predictions, Correct Predictions |
AVG. Return if success/ failure |
Some Fund Name
Fund Category
2000 | 1500 | 8.23% | -1.56% |
Some Fund Name
Fund Category
2000 | 1500 | 8.23% | -1.56% |
Some Fund Name
Fund Category
2000 | 1500 | 8.23% | -1.56% |
Some Fund Name
Fund Category
2000 | 1500 | 8.23% | -1.56% |
No data
Top Community Predictors sideways within next week
Member |
% of correct predictions
# of predictions
Member |
% of correct
predictions |
# of
predict. |
No data