LSK.X Crypto Tickeron detected bearish Crypto Pattern: Broadening Bottom LSK.X on July 04, 2024, netting in a 13.80% gain over 1 day

+13.80% Gain from a Successful pattern Broadening Bottom
LSK.X - Lisk cryptocurrency
Ticker: LSK.X
Company: Lisk cryptocurrency
Gain from shortening: +13.8%
Confirmed: 07/04/24
Succeeded: 07/04/24
Total length: 1 day
On July 03, 2024, A.I.dvisor detected a Broadening Bottom Pattern (Bearish) for Lisk cryptocurrency (LSK.X, $0.967310). 1 day later, on July 04, 2024, A.I.dvisor confirmed the Bearish pattern, setting a target price of the stock. On July 04, 2024, the stock hit the target price of $0.871000 – resulting in a +1 gain for traders who shorted the stock on the pattern detection date.

LSK.X in downward trend: price dove below 50-day moving average on August 25, 2024

LSK.X moved below its 50-day moving average on August 25, 2024 date and that indicates a change from an upward trend to a downward trend. In of 57 similar past instances, the stock price decreased further within the following month. The odds of a continued downward trend are .

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