Anchor Protocol cryptocurrency (ANC.X, $0.01) Aroon Indicator entered a Downtrend on February 08, 2024.

ANC.X - Anchor Protocol cryptocurrency
Aroon signal
Bearish Trend
Odds of DOWN Trend
Aroon signal
Price: $0.013046
Daily change: +$0.001136 (+9.54%)
Daily volume: 140.3K
Capitalization: $4.6M
For the last three days, A.I.dvisor has detected that ANC.X's AroonDown red line is above 70 while the AroonUp green line is below 30 for three straight days. This move could indicate a strong downtrend ahead for ANC.X, and traders may view it as a Sell signal for the next month. Traders may consider selling the stock or exploring put options. A.I.dvisor backtested this indicator and found 125 similar cases, of which were successful. Based on this data, the odds of success are
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ANC.XDaily Signal changed days agoGain/Loss if shorted
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