The volume for Tribe cryptocurrency pair increased for one day, resulting in a record-breaking daily growth of 504% of the 65-Day Volume Moving Average

TRIBE.X - Tribe cryptocurrency
Record Volume
Bullish Trend
Odds of UP Trend
Record Volume
Price: $0.301775
Daily change: +$0.003142 (+1.05%)
Daily volume: 6.4M
Capitalization: $161.3M
This one-day volume growth resulted in a record-breaking increase of , as compared to the 65-Day Volume Moving Average. TRIBE.X's total volume now sits at 6.4M. The price change was insignificant, leaving TRIBE.X's price at $0.3. This volume move could indicate a change in trend, and may be a buy signal for investors. A.I.dvisor found 19 similar cases, of which were successful. Based on this data, the odds of success are
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