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AI Pattern Search Engine (PSE): How to Use

Getting Started with PSE:

To maximize your earnings from pattern trading, leverage our top-tier tool, the Pattern Search Engine (PSE). It provides signals on when to buy and sell based on end-of-day pricing data. PSE analyzes 39 distinct patterns across stocks, penny stocks, ETFs, cryptocurrencies, and Forex. To access PSE, hover over the "Trading" option in the menu bar and select "AI Pattern Search Engine.."
For a tailored experience, adjust the tool's settings. This includes setting the confidence level, price range, and choosing asset classes. It's also crucial to enable email or push notifications to stay updated. Remember, applying more filters might reduce the number of trade ideas PSE suggests.




Detailed Overview of Features on the Search Engine (PSE) Page:

Simplified Search

Purpose: This feature is designed for users who want a straightforward way to identify patterns. It's particularly useful for those targeting a specific set of tickers within a particular category or theme.

How to Use: Simply input the desired tickers, select a category or theme, and the engine will display patterns associated with your criteria.

Advanced Search

Purpose: For those who want a more in-depth search capability, the Advanced Search digs deeper, allowing users to find patterns across a broader range of tickers or within specific categories.

How to Use: Input your search criteria, which can include various tickers, categories, and other parameters. The engine will then generate results based on your specifications.

Daily Alerts

Purpose: To keep users updated on patterns that match their criteria.

How to Use: After ensuring the Advanced Search criteria are set to your liking, activate the Daily Alerts. You'll then receive notifications about patterns that fit your established criteria.

Bookmarked Patterns

Purpose: A feature for users to save patterns they find intriguing and might want to revisit.

How to Use: While browsing patterns, click on the bookmark icon next to the ones you find interesting. These will be saved under the "Bookmarked Patterns" section for easy future access.

Pattern Types and Stats

Purpose: To provide users with a holistic view of all the patterns PSE tracks, complete with historical performance data.

How to Use: Browse through this section to understand the various patterns and their past performances. This data-driven approach can help in making informed trading decisions.

Subscription Info

Purpose: A section dedicated to providing users with all the details about their PSE subscription.

How to Use: Visit this section to view details about your subscription.

Now that we've outlined the features available on the PSE page let's delve deeper into each one. Understanding the nuances of these tools can significantly enhance your pattern trading experience, ensuring you're making the most of what PSE has to offer.



Understanding Pattern Trading with PSE:

PSE, one of Tickeron’s elite products, is a treasure trove of tools. It tracks 39 patterns, with 19 bullish and 20 bearish ones. The software supports various bullish patterns, as depicted below. Investors can click on any pattern for a detailed explanation.

The Head-and-Shoulders Bottom pattern is renowned. Also known as the inverse head-and-shoulders, its counterpart, the head-and-shoulders top, is bearish. The pattern's design resembles a head between two shoulders.

Each pattern's page displays success rates based on the A.I.'s confidence level and the distance (%) to the target price. For instance, the head-and-shoulders bottom pattern, with a 60% or higher confidence level and a minimum 5% target gain, has been successful 68% of the time. Moreover, in 42% of cases, the stock's price remained above the breakout point a month later. These rates provide insights into patterns' historical performances, aiding in informed trading decisions.

However, success rates can vary, so thorough analysis is essential before investing.

Simplified Search

Simplified Search Overview: The Simplified Search feature on PSE is designed for users who want a quick and efficient way to identify patterns for a specific set of tickers, either within a particular category or theme.

Search Parameters:

Presets:  These are predefined search configurations that can help you quickly find commonly searched patterns or tickers.

Tickers:  Input specific ticker symbols you're interested in to find patterns associated with those stocks or assets.

Category: Choose a broader category (e.g., technology, healthcare) to find patterns within that sector.

Theme: If you're interested in specific market themes (e.g., green energy, e-commerce), select the relevant theme to find associated patterns.

Refining Your Search: Min. Confidence Level: Adjust this slider to set the minimum confidence level for the patterns you want to see. You can choose any level from 0% to 80%. A higher confidence level means the patterns shown are more likely to be reliable, but you might get fewer results.

Emerged vs. Confirmed:

Emerged: These are patterns that are currently forming but haven't yet completed. They indicate a potential future trend.

Confirmed: These patterns have fully formed and indicate a more immediate trend. Choosing confirmed patterns can be a safer bet as they show a trend that has been established.

Executing the Search: After setting your desired parameters, click on the "Search" button. The PSE will then display patterns that match your criteria.

Tips for Effective Searching:

  • If you're new to pattern trading, start with confirmed patterns and a higher confidence level to ensure reliability.
  • Use the presets if you're unsure about specific tickers or categories. They can provide a good starting point.
  • Regularly check the emerged patterns. If you spot a trend early, it can provide a lucrative trading opportunity.



Advanced Search
Guide to Using the Advanced Search on the Pattern Search Engine (PSE):



The Pattern Search Engine (PSE) provides a comprehensive menu of options to cater to the diverse needs of traders. One of its standout features is the Advanced Search, which allows for a more detailed and tailored search experience.

How to Use the Advanced Search:

Asset Classes Selection:

Here, you can choose from a variety of asset classes such as Stocks, Penny, OTC, ETFs, MFs, Forex, and Cryptos.


To tailor your asset class selection, click on the "customize" button next to each asset name. This allows you to refine your search based on specific assets you're interested in.



Filtering Your Search:

SELECT FILTERS: This section lets you narrow down your search based on specific criteria:

  • Price Range: Define a range to search for assets within a specific price bracket.
  • Market Cap: Filter assets based on their market capitalization.
  • Volume: Set a minimum trading volume to filter out less frequently traded assets.
  • Min. Confidence: Adjust the minimum confidence level for the patterns you want to view.
  • Profit Target: Define a target profit percentage to focus on patterns that match your desired returns.


Pattern Type Selection:


Here, you can specify the type of patterns you're interested in:

  • Bullish/Bearish: Choose between upward (bullish) or downward (bearish) patterns.
  • Emerged/Confirmed: Emerged: Patterns that are still forming. Confirmed: Fully formed patterns indicating a clear trend.



Tailoring Your Search to Your Trading Style:

Your approach to trading will influence how you set these parameters. For example:

Day-Traders: Might lean towards smaller percentage gains due to the short-term nature of their trades.

Swing Traders: Typically look for more substantial percentage gains as they hold positions for longer durations.



Furthermore, the platform allows you to copy them to any of the options in the blue menu bar by clicking the ellipsis button (...). This functionality streamlines your trading experience, making it easy to replicate successful trades and refine your trading strategy

Setting Up Alerts:

The Pattern Search Engine (PSE) by Tickeron harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence to provide investors with a state-of-the-art tool for informed trading. One of its standout features is the ability to set up Daily Alerts, ensuring you never miss out on potential trading opportunities.

How to Set Up Daily Alerts:



Verification of Advanced Search Criteria:

Before setting up alerts, ensure that the criteria you've set in the Advanced Search are yielding the desired results. This ensures that the alerts you receive are relevant to your trading strategy.


Choosing the Notification Method:

PSE offers multiple channels for receiving alerts. You can opt for email notifications, or push notifications on your mobile device.

Customizing Alert Criteria:

The criteria for alerts mirror the options available in the Advanced Pattern Search, with the exception of the "Emerged" vs. "Confirmed" distinction. This means you can set alerts based on specific patterns, tickers, asset classes, confidence levels, and more.

There are two primary settings for notifications:


Ideal for those who want quick and straightforward alert settings.




For traders who want a more detailed and tailored alert experience.

In both settings, click on the "edit" button to adjust your criteria. This includes setting the confidence level, price range, selecting asset classes or specific tickers, and more.



Activating the Alerts:

Once you've customized your alert settings, click on the "START" button. From the next day onwards, you'll start receiving alerts based on your specified criteria. This ensures that every morning, you're presented with fresh trading ideas that align with your strategy.

Benefits of Daily Alerts:

  • Stay Updated: With daily alerts, you're always in the loop about potential trading opportunities without having to manually search every day.
  • Tailored Insights: The alerts are based on your specified criteria, ensuring that the insights you receive are relevant to your trading interests.
  • Leverage AI Technology: Tickeron's AI-driven PSE ensures that the alerts are generated based on sophisticated algorithms, providing you with reliable and data-driven insights.

Daily Alerts on PSE are a testament to Tickeron's commitment to providing traders with cutting-edge tools. By setting up and customizing these alerts, investors can ensure they're always a step ahead in the ever-evolving world of trading.

If customizing feels overwhelming, consider our AI Robots. Known as Swing Traders, they come with preset configurations and ensure a certain number of trades daily. Plus, purchasing one or more AI Robots grants you credits ranging from $60/month to $120/month, which can be used for a PSE subscription. Essentially, you can get PSE for a 14-day trial for $1 only! For queries, our customer support, webcasts, videos, and 1-on-1 lessons are available.
For more details on how AI Robot purchase credits work, click here.  


Steps to Subscribe to AI Pattern Search Engine (PSE):

1. Go to the AI Pattern Search Engine page.

2. Scroll down the left side until you come across the 'TRY NOW' button. If the tool aligns with your needs, you have the option to buy it for $30 a month after the trial period ends.

3. Alternatively, by subscribing to AI Robots, you can utilize the credits you accumulate to acquire the PSE without any additional charges!

For more details on how AI Robot purchase credits work, click here.


How to unsubscribe to AI Pattern Search Engine (PSE):

  1. Navigate to the top right corner and click on your profile picture.
  2. A dropdown menu will appear. From this menu, choose "subscribe."
  3. You'll be directed to your subscription page. Here, select "schedule unsubscribe."

Confirm your decision to complete the unsubscribe process.


Other related products available for the credits above:

We invite you to check out our other premium products -- they’ll help you be best prepared to take on the market. One of the premium products that might be helpful for a new trader is the AI Trend Prediction Engine. For a continuing trader, AI Real Time Patterns and our Screener are a great way to pinpoint exactly what you’re looking for and to monitor the securities for an extended period of time.


Simulated results (annualized returns, % wins/loss, and other statistics) are achieved by the retroactive application of a backtested model itself designed with the benefit of hindsight. The backtesting of performance differs from the actual account performance because the investment strategy may be adjusted at any time, for any reason and can continue to be changed until desired or better performance results are achieved. Alternative modeling techniques or assumptions might produce significantly different results and prove to be more appropriate. Past hypothetical backtest results are neither an indicator nor a guarantee of future returns. Actual results will vary from the analysis. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance, and no representation or warranty, expressed or implied is made regarding future performance.

Disclaimers and Limitations 

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