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How to Use Time Machine in AI Screener?

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AI Robots: Instructions

With AI Robots, you can view bought and sold trades with potential profit and stop loss in real-time. Receive timely alerts with each trade. Here are the steps: Step 1. Review AI Robots' past performance for free. Step 2. Select an AI Robot you might be interested in based on their customization and statistics. Step 3. Subscribe and follow one AI Robot and get a monthly $60 credit to purchase other products.   Step 4. Subscribe and follow two or more AI Robots and get a monthly $120 credit to purchase other products.  Step 5. Sign up for 1-on-1 sessions or webcasts. Continue reading...

AI Screener: Instruction Manual

Tickeron's AI Screener is the best way to select what to invest in and what to trade. The AI Screener generates buy / sell recommendations for 4,000 stocks, 1,000 ETFs, 30,000 mutual funds, 500 cryptocurrencies, and 100 Forex pairs. This unique tool also generates buy / sell recommendations for groups of stocks, combined by industries, themes, and indexes. You can either create new filters for your preferred selections or you can use our preset "popular filters". Filters include our proprietary fundamental ratings, technical indicators, patterns, market cap fluctuations, volume and price changes, etc. Scanners are add-on features that can track the end-of-day performance of your watchlists and portfolios. Continue reading...

AI Pattern Search Engine (PSE): How to Use

The best way to make money with pattern trading is to use our premium tool, Pattern Search Engine (PSE). You will get signals when to buy and when to sell based on end-of-day price information. PSE analyzes 39 types of patterns for stocks, penny stocks, ETFs, cryptocurrencies, and Forex.To access it from the menu bar, simply hover over Trading, then click on AI Pattern Search Engine. To make this tool more convenient, it's best to customize it. Settings include adjusting the confidence level, price range, asset classes, etc. You also need to set up notifications for emails or push notifications. The more filters you use, the fewer trade ideas PSE will generate. Continue reading...

How to Use AI Trend Prediction Engine (TPE)

The best way to make money with trend trading is to use our premium tool, Trend Prediction Engine (TPE). You will get signals to buy and sell based on end-of-day price information. TPE analyzes trends for stocks, penny stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, and Forex. To access from the menu bar, simply hover over Trading, then click on Trend Prediction Engine. To make this tool more convenient, it's best to customize it. Settings include adjusting the confidence level, price range, asset classes, etc. You can also set up notifications for emails or push notifications. Of course, the more filters you use, the fewer trade ideas TPE will generate. Continue reading...

Unlocking Trade Success: A Guide to Using AI-Driven Active Portfolios

With AI Portfolios, you can view how AI actively manages portfolios. In addition, you can receive timely alerts with each re-allocation. Here are the steps: Step 1. Review AI Portfolios' past performance for free. Step 2. Select an AI Portfolio you might be interested in based on their performance. Step 3. Subscribe and follow one or more AI Portfolios. Step 4. Sign up for 1-on-1 sessions or webcasts if you have any questions.  What are AI Portfolios and How they Work A.I. Portfolios are the best choice for active investing based on modern Artificial Intelligence technologies, with access to a wide range of flexible tools. Continue reading...

Understanding 401(k) Reports: A Step-by-Step Guide to Utilizing Them Effectively

The key difference between Portfolio Wizards and 401(k) Portfolios is that the latter contains reports. These reports are detailed descriptions of the performance of the existing portfolio. 401(k) Portfolios allow you to purchase existing portfolios, while the former can be used to create new portfolios or add existing ones to your files. The reports are crucial to the understanding of the way that the portfolios are chosen and ranked because they contain a page with a layout of the Diversification Analysis. Continue reading...