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How to set up "Notifications"

Where can you set up notifications, for example, Let me start with AI Robot.

At our AI Robot platform, we strive to make our users' experience as smooth and efficient as possible. That's why we offer a range of customizable notifications to help you stay on top of your trading activities. Here's how you can set up notifications on our platform:

Step 1: Go to the AI Robots page

The first step is to access the AI Robots page. You can find it in the top menu of our platform, under the section "AI Trading". Simply click on it, and you will see a dropdown list of options. 

Step 2: Select AI Robots

From the dropdown list, select the option for "AI Robots". This will take you to a page where you can view and manage all of your trading robots.



 If you're looking to set up notifications for a particular AI robot, you'll need to click on the "VIEW DETAILS" button on the tile of the robot you're interested in. This will take you to a page with more detailed information

about the robot, including the option to configure notifications.

On the Robot detail page, you can set up notifications -> you need to turn on the toggle (Enable notifications) see screenshots below

To set up notifications for your robot, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Robot page on our website or app by clicking “view details.”
  2. Once you're on the Robot page, look for the notification settings section.
  3. In the notification settings section, you will see a toggle switch labeled "Enable notifications."
  4. Turn on the toggle switch to enable notifications for your robot.
  5. You're all set! You will now receive notifications whenever there are important updates or changes related to your robot.

Please refer to the screenshots below for a better understanding of the process.


On the second level menu of our website, you will see an option called "My Notifications". Please click on it.

Once you have clicked on "My Notifications", you will be redirected to a notifications page. At the top of this page, you will see an option called "Settings". Please click on it.

Scroll down to the "Push Notifications" section on our website.

If you do not see your device listed, click the "+add current" button.

You will be prompted to allow notifications from our website on your device. Please click "Allow".

Your device should now be added for push notifications!

To enable push and email notifications for AI Robots, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and locate the "Notification Option" section. Within this section, you will see a checkbox for AI Robots. To receive push

notifications, make sure the checkbox for push is checked. If you prefer email notifications, then check the checkbox for email. Once you have made your selection, save your preferences and you're all set!



 After all these settings are in place, you can successfully see Notifications for AI Robots.

If you're having trouble seeing any notifications, we suggest that you check the following places to make sure you don't miss any important updates.

First, please check your system notifications. These can usually be found in your device's settings or the notification center. Make sure that notifications are enabled for our app or website, and that they are not being blocked by any settings. 

Secondly, you should also check your browser notifications. These are notifications that appear within your web browser and are specific to our website or app. To check if browser notifications are enabled, go to your browser settings and look for the section related to notifications. Make sure that notifications are allowed for our website or app.

 Once these are checked, you should be able to receive all of your notifications as usual.


System notifications

To access the Display settings on your computer, please follow these steps:

Press the right button on your mouse while on your desktop screen.

Select "Show more options" from the pop-up menu.

In the second pop-up menu that appears, select "Display settings."

This will open a window with system settings.

To access the Notifications settings, select "Notifications" from the left-hand menu.

You should now see the Notifications settings on your screen, which will allow you to configure how you receive notifications on your computer.

Here are the next steps to follow:

First, please open the toggle named "Notifications" and ensure that it is turned on. Once the toggle is on, you can then set up all checkboxes to customize your notification preferences.

Next, you will need to set the status of the second toggle for notifications. If the toggle is turned on, you will receive all notifications, but you will not be able to see them unless you manually open the notification center.

If the toggle is turned off, you will always be able to see your notifications on the right-hand side of your screen.

This is the place where you can find notifications with the status “Do not disturb” in the taskbar.



 Browser notification 

To open your browser settings, please follow these simple steps:

Open your preferred browser.

Look for the three dots on the top right corner of your browser window.

Click on the three dots, and you will see a dropdown list appear.

From the dropdown list, select the "Settings" option.

You will now be directed to your browser's settings page, where you can customize your preferences and manage your browser's features.


Here's a short description of how to access the Site settings on your browser:

From the settings menu, select "Privacy and security"

In the central part of the screen, you should see an option for "Site settings". Click on this option to access the site settings menu.


To access the notifications settings on our website, simply follow these steps:

Go to the "Site settings" page.

Scroll down until you see the "Notifications" option.

Click on "Notifications" to access the settings.


You should see an option, "Sites can ask to send notifications".

Click on the radio button to enable it.

Now, when you visit the website again, you will be prompted to allow notifications from that site.

Click "Allow" to receive notifications.

That's it!


If you prefer to receive notifications in a less intrusive manner, you can choose to use quieter messaging by selecting the second radio button option. This will allow you to view notifications at your convenience, rather than having them constantly appear at the bottom right of your screen. To use this feature, simply go to your notification settings and select the quieter messaging option. From there, you will be able to receive notifications in a more subtle and user-friendly way.


Customized behaviors

Next step:

Check that is not in the "Not allowed to send notifications" section of your browser settings.

If you find in this section, you need to remove it from there.

To do this, click on the three dots located opposite the URL address. This will open a pop-up window.

In the pop-up window, select "Remove" to remove from the "Not allowed to send notifications" section.



 If you do not see the website in a particular section, there is no need to take any further action in that section. Simply move on to the next section or task at hand.


How to add a site if it is not in the "Allowed to send notifications" section

To use our notification feature, simply follow these steps:

Look for the section labeled "Allowed to send notifications" on the page.

Click the "Add" button located in that section.

A pop-up window will appear.

In the entrance line of the pop-up window, type in the website URL

Click the "Add" button to confirm.

You have now allowed notifications from to be sent to your device.


Once you have done this, you should be able to see notifications whenever a relevant event occurs.



Simulated results (annualized returns, % wins/loss, and other statistics) are achieved by the retroactive application of a backtested model itself designed with the benefit of hindsight. The backtesting of performance differs from the actual account performance because the investment strategy may be adjusted at any time, for any reason and can continue to be changed until desired or better performance results are achieved. Alternative modeling techniques or assumptions might produce significantly different results and prove to be more appropriate. Past hypothetical backtest results are neither an indicator nor a guarantee of future returns. Actual results will vary from the analysis. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance, and no representation or warranty, expressed or implied is made regarding future performance. Disclaimers and Limitations

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