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The best ways to learn stock market trading from scratch

Free consumer investment platforms have democratized Wall Street trading for beginners. However, this is not the source of current market volatility, unless penny stocks are your focus. It does highlight the importance of learning to trade effectively. Avoid blindly following current trends or stock promoters. Instead, equip yourself with knowledge to earn substantial returns.

Approaching stock trading as a hobby may result in failure. It might lead to financial losses, discouragement, and an eventual cessation within a few months. This outcome can be circumvented by using Tickeron's knowledge base to understand the fundamentals. We have compiled a diverse range of articles covering practically every aspect of trading and investing in the stock market.

While Tickeron is fundamentally a trading platform, the resources we offer can also benefit investors. Confused about the difference? Traders generally do not intend to hold stocks for extended periods. They buy stocks, wait for the prices to rise, and then sell them. This usually happens intraday or within a few days. Investors, on the other hand, aim to buy and hold for months or years.

Tip #1: Reframe Your Understanding of Risk Management

Financial planners often introduce risk management in the context of long-term investing and retirement planning. They utilize software to determine your "risk score" and construct portfolios based on this number. As they usually evaluate over years, risk analysis can be quite broad.

Trading, however, requires a different approach to risk. Your risk tolerance must be assessed for each trade. Day traders can suffer substantial losses within minutes if they make incorrect decisions. Risk tolerance refers to the acceptable loss before selling the holding. Mastering this skill is crucial before launching a trading career.

The first step towards crafting a trading plan is defining risk. Proficient traders do not merely make decisions based on impulses and market trends. They employ a blend of fundamental and technical analysis to predict which stocks are likely to increase and when. A trading simulator, such as Tickeron's Paper Trade, is an excellent learning tool for this purpose.

Tip #2: Access Tickeron's Knowledge Base to Get Started

Our knowledge base, also referred to as Trading 101, is a valuable educational resource. It commences with introductory terminology including market abbreviations, stock market statistics, financial media, and federal trading regulatory bodies.

If you have never built an investment portfolio, we provide guidance on how to do so. Portfolio theories and investment strategies evolve with the market. For stock trading novices, understanding these concepts before embarking on trading is vital. Grasp practical portfolio management and diversification, which are crucial for success.

Besides stocks, a typical investment portfolio comprises other elements. As a trader, you might want to explore options trading, ETFs, the bond market, or even the Forex market. To expand your comprehension, consult our knowledge base.

Finally, how do you make trading decisions? Our platform provides the necessary tools and information. Dedicate some time to study analysis fundamentals, technical indicators, and trading models. After mastering these, you can proceed to patterns and speculation. All these resources are readily available at your disposal.

Tip #3: Attend Webcasts to Learn from the Experts

Merely reading articles will not make you an expert trader. Experience is the key. Familiarize yourself with the basics and then attend our webcasts to learn from seasoned traders. These professionals have weathered diverse market conditions and leveraged AI analysis to augment their trading capabilities.

Understanding different trading styles is crucial. Choose one that best aligns with your personality and strengths. Different trading styles require different mindsets. Find your comfort zone by observing the experts.

Tickeron is an AI-driven platform. We offer webcasts that detail the implications of this technology and its potential impact on your trading activity. Pay close attention to these webcasts and register for upcoming ones. As algorithmic traders predominantly control the current stock market, gaining an edge is essential for your success.

Tip #4: Leverage Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Performance

Around eighty percent of all trades on Wall Street are governed by algorithms. Platforms like Robinhood may have accrued three million users this year, but they're essentially unarmed without the power of artificial intelligence. Tickeron levels the playing field. Our A.I. robots enable you to follow these successful algorithms and mimic their moves. You now have the chance to trade like an industry insider.

Of course, any AI system is only as intelligent as its programmers. That's why we've combined the prowess of AI with the expertise of our human financial advisors. This transparent system offers all the key metrics you need to select the suitable AI robot for your trading style. This approach protects you from being overwhelmed by market heavyweights. Please remember to always trade responsibly and make well-informed decisions.



Aspects such as capital, risk tolerance, trading frequency, and market conditions can all be factored into an algorithm. To streamline this process, we've integrated a feature known as the Tickeron Screener. This is where the real magic happens. Follow the recommendations and assess the probability of success for each trade prior to execution.

Tip #5: Treat Market Volatility as an Ally

While most people panic over market volatility and worry about their 401(k) plan, traders thrive on it. If you're new to trading, remember this: Market volatility is an ally. Absent price fluctuations in stocks, traders wouldn't profit. The frequency of these trends sets the pace for trading. The more you trade, the more potential profits you may reap.

Check out our section on trading patterns in our knowledge base. If you're a beginner, this may appear complex. Review the basics before proceeding. If you're already comfortable with the basics, explore our article on chart patterns. This is your new language. Forget about common advice. Focus on charts and technical analysis instead.

This is what sets active trading apart from passive investing. Traders search for patterns in charts. Terms like head and shoulders, cup and saucer, peaks, troughs, flags, and pennants describe the form of a line graph. Your immediate goal should be understanding these terms and making trading decisions based on them.

Tip #6: Avoid Distractions

We don't want to single anyone out here. However, we do have a word of caution. If you encounter someone wildly gesturing, honking a horn, and adamantly urging you to buy a specific stock, switch the channel. Better yet, switch off the TV entirely. This person is a paid promoter. His antics are calculated and not genuinely emotional.

Background noise can greatly impact novice traders. Not only is the noise itself distracting, but the content can be equally unsettling. Hearing someone else's opinion on a stock may cause you to doubt your technically informed decisions. Hesitation can lead to costly mistakes. Avoid this trap. You can indulge in television viewing once the trading day concludes.

When using a platform like Tickeron, trust the guidance of our professional financial advisors. They utilize AI data to make recommendations based on factual information, not to manipulate the market for personal gains. Stock trading should be approached unemotionally—it's a business, treat it as such.

Tip #7: Embrace Mistakes as Learning Opportunities

Even veteran traders make mistakes. As a novice, anticipate encountering a few setbacks when you first start. Don't let this discourage you. Remain persistent. Be bold. Losing confidence could cost you your edge. You might not have someone to encourage you when you make a poor decision. Learn to self-motivate.

Stock trading can provide a rewarding livelihood. If done correctly, it can afford you a higher-than-average income and a comfortable lifestyle. At Tickeron, our mission is to equip you with the tools necessary for success, including our knowledge base. Utilize it to embark on your trading journey.


We invite you to check out our other premium products -- they’ll help you be best prepared to take on the market. Some of the premium products that might be helpful for a new trader are the AI Pattern Search Engine and the AI Trend Prediction Engine. Our Screener is a great way for a continuing trader to pinpoint what you’re looking for and to monitor the securities for an extended period.

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