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What is Appraisal?

In the world of property and business, the term "appraisal" refers to an estimation of an item or property's fair market value. Whether it's a piece of real estate, a business, a unique collectible, or even an antique, an appraisal seeks to ascertain a definitive value based on the evaluation by an authorized individual known as an appraiser.

Understanding the concept of appraisals and their integral role in various transactions is key to navigating sectors where unique, infrequently traded items or properties exist. This article will provide a detailed analysis of what appraisals are, how they operate, and the different types of appraisals.

What is an Appraisal?

Simply put, an appraisal is an objective assessment of a property, business, collectible, or antique's fair market value. This process is carried out by a certified appraiser, whose qualifications and designations must be recognized by a regulatory body governing the appraiser's jurisdiction.

While appraisals may seem straightforward, they are a complex task requiring extensive knowledge of the market, mastery of valuation methodologies, and an understanding of how location, size, and condition of the property influence its value.

Appraisals are utilized to estimate the value of items that are unique and infrequently traded. Examples include rare antiques, customized businesses, or distinct properties. The importance of appraisals in determining the real market value cannot be overstated, especially when considering taxation, insurance, and transaction purposes.

Why are Appraisals Crucial?

Appraisals serve several significant purposes. They help avoid losses on loans for banks and other lenders by providing an accurate estimate of the property's value. Appraisals can also influence a property's selling price and affect the outcome of real estate transactions. For instance, if a home's appraised value is less than the purchase price, lenders may decline to finance the deal, leading to the transaction's discontinuation unless the potential buyer can cover the difference.

This highlights another fundamental function of appraisals - risk mitigation. Appraisals allow prospective buyers to reevaluate their decision or renegotiate the price if the appraised value is significantly lower than the previously agreed amount.

Appraisal in Action: A Real Estate Scenario

In the realm of real estate, appraisals are indispensable. They come into play when mortgage loans are sought from banks, whether for original mortgages, refinancing, home equity loans, or lines of credit. Furthermore, they are integral in business and estate valuations.

An appraiser will examine the property, looking into factors such as location, size, and condition to determine its fair market value. The timing of an appraisal is crucial. Generally, an appraisal happens before a real estate closing, potentially influencing the deal if the agreed price is considerably higher than the appraised value. This gives the buyer the opportunity to back out or renegotiate the price.

While home inspectors and appraisers might seem to be conducting similar tasks, their objectives differ. The former primarily looks for engineering flaws, roof damage, and safety issues, while the latter focuses solely on establishing the property's value.

Appraisals are a vital aspect of property and business transactions, offering an objective method to determine a property or item's fair market value. While the process can occasionally affect transactions negatively, it primarily serves to ensure all parties are adequately informed, and risks are managed, enabling a more transparent and fair trading environment.


Appraisal is a valuation conducted by a certified professional to assess the value of property, especially real estate.

Appraisals are an important service in the real estate industry in particular. Where mortgage loans are being taken out from banks, including original mortgages, refinancing, home equity loans and lines of credit, as well as in business and estate valuations, the property appraisal will play an important role.

Appraisals will determine the fair market value of a property based on the location, size, and condition of the property. Appraisers will generally be brought in before a real estate closing, but this can potentially kill a deal if the price has already been negotiated and it turns out the appraised value is much lower.

Buyers can generally back out or renegotiate the price if they haven’t made a firm commitment yet. This can be important since they will likely only be able to get a loan for around the appraised value amount.

Appraisers will go through a house before a real estate closing about the same time that a home inspector does. The appraiser is just trying to determine the value of the home, while the inspector is looking for engineering flaws, roof damage, and safety issues.

What is Assessed Value?
What is Appraisal Fraud?

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