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What is a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage?

A home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) is a specialized type of reverse mortgage that allows homeowners to convert a portion of their home equity into cash. Insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), HECMs offer older homeowners financial flexibility and liquidity without the need to sell their homes or make monthly mortgage payments. Let's delve into the details of this unique mortgage product.

An FHA-Insured Reverse Mortgage

A home equity conversion mortgage is a reverse mortgage that is specifically backed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). It enables homeowners aged 62 or older to access their home equity and convert it into funds. Unlike traditional mortgages, where homeowners make monthly payments to build equity, HECMs allow homeowners to receive an income stream, a lump sum payment, or a combination of both, depending on their preferences.

To be eligible for a home equity conversion mortgage, homeowners must meet certain criteria. They must be at least 62 years old and have significant equity in their homes. The loan amount is determined based on factors such as the appraised value of the home, the homeowner's age, and the prevailing interest rates. The FHA imposes limits on the maximum loan amount that can be borrowed through an HECM.

Flexible Repayment Options

One of the key advantages of a home equity conversion mortgage is its flexible repayment options. Homeowners can continue living in their homes without making monthly mortgage payments as long as they meet certain requirements. Repayment of the loan is typically triggered when the borrower(s) sell the house, move out of the property, or pass away. At that point, the loan must be repaid in full, including any accrued interest.

HECM vs. Proprietary Reverse Mortgages

While HECMs dominate the reverse mortgage market, it's essential to distinguish them from proprietary reverse mortgages. HECMs are regulated and insured by the FHA, offering standardized terms and protections for borrowers. Proprietary reverse mortgages, on the other hand, are privately sponsored products that may provide higher borrowing amounts and potentially lower costs, but without the same level of oversight and FHA-backed insurance.

The Economics of HECMs

HECMs generally offer competitive interest rates compared to proprietary reverse mortgages. The economic viability of choosing an HECM or a proprietary reverse mortgage depends on factors such as the borrower's age and their anticipated duration of homeownership. It's crucial for homeowners to carefully evaluate their financial goals and circumstances to determine which option aligns best with their needs.

HECM as the Logical Choice

For older homeowners seeking to tap into their home equity without the obligation of immediate repayment, a home equity conversion mortgage is often the most logical choice. While there are other types of reverse mortgages available, HECMs provide a government-insured option that offers financial security and flexibility for seniors. The HUD limits associated with HECMs make them an attractive choice for borrowers who do not require loan amounts above these limits.

Leveraging the Benefits of HECMs

A home equity conversion mortgage provides a valuable tool for older homeowners to unlock their home equity and secure financial stability. By leveraging the FHA-backed HECM program, eligible homeowners can access the funds they need while retaining ownership of their homes. The flexibility of repayment options, competitive interest rates, and regulatory protections make HECMs an appealing choice for individuals seeking to enhance their financial well-being in retirement. However, it's crucial for borrowers to carefully consider their unique circumstances and consult with mortgage professionals to make informed decisions about utilizing a home equity conversion mortgage.


The main type of reverse mortgage that people get today is the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage, backed by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).

These reverse mortgages are available to people age 62 or older who are interested in leveraging their home equity to gain liquidity, either in the form of a lump sum, monthly payments, or other arrangement. A Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) is a reverse mortgage available to homeowners age 62 or older, insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).

It allows homeowners to receive an income stream or lump sum payment as a loan based on their home equity, but allows them to remain in the house and not make further payments on their home if they do not want to.

Repayment of the loan must be made if the borrow or joint borrowers die or sell the house. Effectively it allows elderly Americans to sell their homes without moving out and to simply forfeit the right to pass their home on to any beneficiaries.

The HECM works for homes with values up to $625.

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