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What is commodity paper?

Commodity paper, a unique form of loan or advance, has gained popularity as an effective financial tool in recent years. In this article, we will delve into the concept of commodity paper, its significance, and how it operates in the financial landscape. By leveraging raw materials as collateral, borrowers can access funding while mitigating risks for lenders. We will explore the key aspects of commodity paper, including its structure, proof requirements, and its relevance in trading commodities. Additionally, we will touch upon its specific applications, particularly in providing liquidity to agricultural producers.

Commodity Paper as Collateralized Loans:

Commodity paper is akin to mortgage agreements or car loans, but with commodities serving as collateral. While a mortgage involves real estate and a car loan involves a vehicle, commodity paper employs raw materials such as oil, grain, gold, copper, coffee, and natural gas as collateral. This form of secured debt provides lenders with reassurance by offering recourse in case of default or breach of contract by the borrower.

Proof of Collateral for Commodity Paper:

Unlike traditional loans, it is not mandatory for the physical presence of collateral goods. Verification of the situation or existence of the commodities serves as sufficient proof for the lender. Depending on the type of commodity supporting the loan, various formats of proof are accepted. For instance, grading certificates are used for commodities like grains and oil, while delivery orders or bills of lading may be required for live cattle or hogs. Additionally, commodities stored in vaults often necessitate the provision of vault or warehouse receipts.

Risks and Lessons Learned:

Although commodity paper is a valuable financial tool, it carries inherent risks, especially when physical possession or visual inspection of collateral is not feasible. The Salad Oil Scandal, a notable incident from 1963, highlights the potential risks associated with commodity paper. In this case, Allied Crude Vegetable Oil manipulated documents, leading to inflated inventory levels and borrowing against fraudulent receipts. The aftermath of this fraud resulted in significant financial losses for banks. It is crucial for lenders to exercise due diligence and implement robust risk management practices while engaging in commodity paper transactions.

Trading Commodities and Commodity Paper:

Trading in commodities is an integral part of the global economy, and commodity paper plays a role in facilitating such transactions. Various methods are used to trade commodities, including futures contracts, options, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Futures contracts enable buyers and sellers to agree upon a predetermined date and price for the exchange of assets. Options provide buyers with the right to buy or sell the underlying asset at an agreed-upon price during a specific period. Exchange-traded funds are liquid marketable securities that track commodities or a basket of commodities and can be traded on exchanges.

Commodity Paper in Practice:

Commodity paper is widely utilized in the form of warehouse financing, particularly in supporting agricultural producers. Farmers often require liquidity during the period between harvesting their goods and selling them. Known as soft commodities, agricultural products with a limited shelf-life and seasonal availability benefit greatly from commodity paper. By pledging their harvested goods as collateral, farmers can secure financing to cover operational expenses or invest in future production.


Commodity paper is the contract for a loan which is secured by collateral in the form of a commodity held in a warehouse or in transit.

This is basically a form of warehouse financing, where the inventory in storage is verified and the changing level of inventory insures a larger or smaller line of credit from the lender. In this arrangement, however, there is one agreed-upon loan and collateral amount.

Commodity paper is a contract guaranteeing the repayment of a loan using commodities which are in the possession of the borrower. Warehouse receipts or bills of lading (for inventory in transit) serve as proof that the commodity inventory exists, and the lender has a lien on the commodities until the loan is repaid.

A warehouse financing arrangement, by contrast, requires that the lender or a third party inventory manager has possession or oversight of the inventory until the loan is repaid. One of the main ways that commodity paper is used is to give agricultural producers (farmers) some liquidity between the time they harvest the goods and when they sell them.

Agricultural commodities which are seasonal and have a certain shelf-life are called soft commodities.

What is Commercial Paper?
What is Commodity-Product Spread?

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