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What Is the Time Value of Money?

Time literally is money—the time value of the money you have now is not the same as it will be years from now and vice versa. Imagine winning a cash prize and being presented with two payment options:

A: Receive $10,000 now or B: Receive $10,000 in three years.

Which option would you choose? The answer depends on your understanding of the time value of money (TVM).

If you're like most people, you would choose to receive the $10,000 now. After all, three years is a long time to wait. Why would any rational person defer payment into the future when they could have the same amount of money now? For most of us, taking the money in the present is just plain instinctive. So at the most basic level, the time value of money demonstrates that all things being equal, it seems better to have money now rather than later.

But why is this? A $100 bill has the same value as a $100 bill one year from now, doesn't it? Actually, although the bill is the same, you can do much more with the money if you have it now because over time you can earn more interest on your money.

Future Value Basics

By receiving $10,000 today, you are poised to increase the future value of your money by investing and gaining interest over a period of time. For Option B, you don't have time on your side, and the payment received in three years would be your future value.

To illustrate, let's consider a simple example. If you choose Option A and invest the total amount at a simple annual rate of 4.5%, the future value of your investment at the end of the first year is $10,450. This is calculated by multiplying the principal amount of $10,000 by the interest rate of 4.5% and then adding the interest gained to the principal amount.

FV = PV × (1 + i) Where:

  • FV = Future value
  • PV = Present value (original amount of money)
  • i = Interest rate per period

In this equation, FV represents the future value of your investment, PV is the original amount of money, and 'i' is the interest rate per period.

If you left the $10,450 in your investment account at the end of the first year and invested it at 4.5% for another year, you would have $10,920.25. This calculation can be expressed as:

FV = PV × (1 + i) × (1 + i)

The exponent in this equation represents the number of years for which the money is earning interest in an investment. So, the equation for calculating the three-year future value of the investment would look like this:

FV = PV × (1 + i)^3

However, you don't need to calculate the future value after each year. You can calculate the future value at once with the formula:

FV = PV × (1 + i)^n Where 'n' represents the number of periods.

Present Value Basics

If you received $10,000 today, its present value would be $10,000 because the present value is what your investment gives you now if you were to spend it today. However, if you were to receive $10,000 in one year, the present value of the amount would not be $10,000 because you do not have it in your hand now, in the present.

To find the present value of the $10,000 you will receive in the future, you need to calculate how much you would have to invest today to receive that $10,000 in one year. This calculation involves discounting the future payment amount ($10,000) by the interest rate for the period. The present value formula is:

PV = FV / (1 + i)^n

In this equation, PV represents the present value, FV is the future value, 'i' is the interest rate per period, and 'n' is the number of periods.

Let's apply this to the $10,000 payment you'll receive in three years. The present value of this $10,000, given a 4.5% annual interest rate, would be:

PV = $10,000 / (1 + 0.045)^3 = $8,762.97

This means that the present value of a future payment of $10,000 is worth $8,762.97 today if interest rates are 4.5% per year.

Now, let's analyze the choice between receiving $15,000 today or $18,000 in four years. By calculating the present value, you can find that the present value of $18,000 in four years at a 4% interest rate is $15,386.48. This illustrates that receiving $15,000 today is the better choice, as it is equivalent to $15,386.48 in four years.

Time Value of Money in Practice

The time value of money is not just a theoretical concept; it is widely used in various real-life scenarios:

1. Investment Decisions: Investors use TVM to compare the potential returns of different investment opportunities, taking into account the time it takes for each investment to mature.

2. Business Valuation: When businesses are valued or assessed, TVM plays a crucial role. It helps in evaluating the value of future cash flows, determining the profitability of projects, and making financial decisions.

3. Personal Finance: Individuals use TVM to plan for their financial goals, such as retirement savings or buying a home. They consider how the timing of their investments affects their future wealth.

4. Loan and Mortgage Decisions: TVM is crucial when borrowers assess different loan or mortgage options. It helps them understand how interest rates and loan terms impact the overall cost of borrowing.


Understanding the time value of money is essential for making informed financial decisions. It highlights the fact that money has a different worth in the present than it does in the future due to the potential for investment and interest. By applying TVM principles, you can make more rational choices when presented with financial options and ensure that your investments and financial goals align with your long-term interests. Whether you're an individual investor or a business manager, TVM is a fundamental concept that can empower you to make financially savvy decisions.

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