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What should I look for in a good Mortgage Calculator?

A mortgage calculator can be a helpful tool when looking for a mortgage because it allows you to evaluate different possibilities and figure out what you can afford. It's crucial to know what to look for when selecting a mortgage calculator because not all of them are created equal.

When it comes to a smart mortgage calculator, flexibility is essential. For the mortgage you are thinking about, it ought to let you enter a wide range of various phrases and possibilities. The option to enter an adjustable rate is a crucial aspect to consider. A calculator that only allows for a fixed rate may not give you an accurate picture of what your monthly payment will be if your mortgage has an initial fixed rate period followed by an adjustable rate.

A calculator that only allows for a fixed rate may not give you an accurate picture of what your payments will be over time because many mortgages offer an initial fixed rate term followed by an adjustable rate.

In addition to adjustable rates, a good mortgage calculator should also allow you to input a rate cap. A rate cap is a maximum amount that your interest rate can increase over the life of the loan. This is an important consideration when choosing an adjustable-rate mortgage, as it can protect you from large increases in your monthly payments.

Optional mortgage “acceleration” payments can also be factored in. These are additional payments made towards the principal of the loan, which can help you pay off your mortgage faster and save money on interest over time. A good calculator will allow you to input these optional payments to see the impact on your total payment and overall interest paid.

Balloon payments and resets are other important factors to consider when choosing a mortgage. A balloon payment is a large payment due at the end of the loan term, while a reset is when the interest rate is recalculated and adjusted after a certain period of time. A good mortgage calculator should allow you to input these factors to accurately reflect the terms of your mortgage.

Impound account calculations are also important to consider. Many lenders require borrowers to set up an impound account to cover property taxes and insurance. These payments are added to your monthly mortgage payment, and a good calculator should take them into account to give you an accurate picture of your total monthly payment.

Finally, it's important to consider any origination fees when calculating your mortgage payment. These fees are charged by the lender to process the loan, and they can be a significant cost. A good mortgage calculator should allow you to input these fees to accurately reflect the total cost of the loan.

In addition to these specific features, there are a few other factors to consider when choosing a mortgage calculator. One important consideration is the user interface. A good calculator should be easy to use and intuitive, allowing you to quickly input your information and get an accurate result. It should also be able to display the results in a clear and easy-to-understand format.

Another important factor is accuracy. A good mortgage calculator should be based on current interest rates and other relevant factors to ensure that the results are as accurate as possible. It's also important to choose a calculator that is regularly updated to reflect changes in the market and any new regulations or laws that may affect mortgages.

Finally, it's important to consider the source of the calculator. There are many different mortgage calculators available online, but not all of them are trustworthy. It's important to choose a calculator from a reputable source, such as a bank or other financial institution, to ensure that you are getting accurate information.

A good mortgage calculator is a valuable tool when shopping for a mortgage. It should be flexible enough to allow you to input a variety of different terms and options, including adjustable rates, rate caps, optional mortgage “acceleration” payments, balloon payments and resets, impound account calculations, and origination fees. It should also have an easy-to-use interface, be accurate and regularly updated, and come from a reputable source. By choosing the right mortgage calculator, you can make an informed decision about the mortgage 

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