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What were the Biggest Single Day Market Moves?

Since its inception in 1896, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has witnessed numerous turbulent moments in the stock market. Throughout history, there have been remarkable single-day market moves that have left investors and analysts astounded. These extraordinary events can be measured by either percentage change or points gained or lost. In this article, we will delve into the biggest single-day market moves, examining both the most significant gains and losses, and their underlying catalysts.

The Largest Gains:

When exploring the largest single-day gains, two notable instances come to light. The first is the historic surge on October 13, 2008, during the global financial crisis. On that fateful day, the Dow Jones soared an astonishing 936 points, representing an impressive 11% increase. The surge was triggered by unforeseen positive global economic news, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the volatility that had engulfed the markets.

Moving further back in time, we find the greatest single-day percentage gain on March 15, 1933. On this remarkable day, the Dow experienced a surge of over 15%, though in terms of points, it only amounted to 8.26. This gain was a response to the Emergency Banking Act enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR). The Act sought to instill confidence in the banking system during the Great Depression, effectively restoring stability and prompting a surge in investor sentiment.

The Largest Losses:

In contrast to the remarkable gains, the stock market has also witnessed significant single-day losses that have sent shockwaves throughout the financial world. The most noteworthy of these occurred on September 29, 2008, when the Dow Jones plummeted by a staggering 777.68 points, reflecting a 7% decline. The sharp drop was a direct response to the rejection of the proposed bank bailout plan by the House, exacerbating the already fragile state of the global financial system.

Another catastrophic event etched in financial history is Black Monday, which unfolded on October 19, 1987. On this infamous day, the Dow Jones lost a staggering 508 points, amounting to a 22.61% plunge. The crash reverberated across stock markets worldwide, as investor panic triggered a chain reaction, resulting in significant market downturns. Despite this extraordinary decline, the market managed to conclude the year with a positive overall performance.

Lessons Learned:

The biggest single-day market moves serve as potent reminders of the inherent volatility and unpredictability of financial markets. They highlight the vulnerability of the global economy to sudden shocks and underscore the importance of understanding the underlying factors that contribute to these movements.

One critical aspect to note is the influence of global economic events and policy decisions on market sentiment. Unexpected positive economic news and decisive actions, such as the Emergency Banking Act, can inspire confidence and spark substantial gains. Conversely, the rejection of a significant financial proposal, as witnessed during the bank bailout plan rejection, can send shockwaves through the market and lead to significant losses.


Since the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s creation in 1896, there have been several crashes and several days of huge gains. The biggest moves can be defined in two ways: either by percentage change or by change in points.

In terms of gains, the largest single-day point gain occurred on October 13, 2008, when the Dow rose 936 points (11%) – the sudden leap occurred during a time of wild upside and downside volatility, and was in response to unexpected positive global economic news.

The largest percentage gain was on March 15, 1933, when the Dow gained over 15% (but this only amounted to 8.26 points, since the entire market index of the Dow Jones was 62.10). The gain was a response to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s (FDR) Emergency Banking Act, aimed towards reforming the bank system.

In terms of losses, the greatest single-day point loss happened on September 29, 2008, when the Dow closed down 777.68 points (a 7% drop). The sharp decline was in response to the news that the House rejected the proposed bank bailout plan.

The greatest single-day percentage loss happened on October 19, 1987, when the Dow lost 508 points, which amounted to a 22.61% loss. This day became known as Black Monday (stock markets all over the world crashed, fed by a chain reaction of investor panic). The market still finished positive that year, however.

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