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Who are Chartists?

In the dynamic world of finance, traders use a plethora of strategies to interpret market trends. Among them, 'chartists' or 'technical analysts' stand out as a group dedicated to studying the past to predict the future. But who exactly are these chartists?

Chartists are traders who use historical data, manifested in charts and graphs, to predict future trends in security prices. They belong to the school of technical analysis, focusing more on the balance between buyers and sellers and previous price action, rather than the fundamentals of a security.

Notably, chartists leverage known patterns such as 'head-and-shoulders' or 'support and resistance levels' to strategize their trades across a wide range of financial markets, including equities, currencies, commodities, and bonds. Many chartists pursue further professional development, such as the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation, to deepen their analytical prowess.

The Chartist's Belief System: Reading the Past to Predict the Future

Chartists believe that security price movements are not random. They propose that a comprehensive understanding of past trends can facilitate effective predictions and yield profitable trades. The underpinning logic is that the graphical representation of past price movements can reveal consistent patterns, indicating potential future behavior.

Contrary to the fundamental analysts who scrutinize a company's overall health and market positioning, chartists focus solely on price and volume data. They view the chart as an all-inclusive source of information for making sound trading decisions. They use indicators and tools like oscillators, moving averages, trade volume information, and standard deviation bands to pinpoint the most opportune moments to buy or sell.

A Blend of Mathematics and Finance: The Methodology Behind Charting

Technical analysis, at its core, is a meticulous blend of mathematics and finance. It involves interpreting price ranges, gauging trend momentum, and identifying possible reversal points using complex mathematical formulas. In this field, concepts from geometry, calculus, physics, and finance coalesce to formulate a comprehensive trading strategy.

Through their charts, technical analysts visualize vast amounts of data about price, volume, standard deviation, and other metrics. They construct trading systems that provide a regimented strategy, delineating clear circumstances for buying, selling, or holding securities.

Charting and Robo-Trading: The Future of Finance?

Charting is closely associated with robo-trading, an emerging trend that automates trading based on pre-programmed decision heuristics. These algorithms identify buying and selling signals via technical analysis and charting, enabling an emotionless, rational approach to trading decisions.

While no indicator or algorithm guarantees 100% predictive accuracy, chartists and technical analysts always seek ways to validate trade ideas, analyze signals, and provide key confirmations. Advanced tools like artificial intelligence offerings can provide this crucial confirmation, improving accuracy and reliability in trading decisions.

The Evolving Role of Chartists

Chartists, with their unique blend of mathematics, physics, and finance, play an integral role in the trading ecosystem. By leveraging past trends and harnessing the power of data, they strive to predict future market behavior. As technologies continue to evolve and enhance trading strategies, chartists and their robust analytical toolbox will undoubtedly play an increasingly pivotal role in the world of finance.


Chartists are technical traders, theorists, and experts in charting, with the goal of better representing data and using charts to the greatest effect in trading. They attempt to find parameters and algorithms that can offer efficient trading signals and profits, using only the information present on charts – a type of technical analysis.

Technical analysis is a discipline that involves identifying price ranges, trend momentum, and points of possible reversals via graphical representations of the math behind price movements, examining information to the second or third derivative, and using trial-and-error with formulas. Geometry, calculus, physics, and finance all play a part in this methodology.

Technical analysts use past information about price, volume, standard deviation, and other metrics, translate it into useful charting tools using mathematical formulas, and construct systems for trading. The systems can bring discipline to a trader’s strategy by providing clearly defined circumstances in which a trader has reason to buy, sell, hold, and so on.

Technical analysis is different than fundamental analysis, which looks at the company behind the chart, its accounting and SEC filings, its market position among its peers, and other real-world information. Technical analysts focus only on the price and volume data, extrapolate as much information as they can from it, and attempt to find overbought and oversold conditions from that vantage point.

Chartists tend to believe that all the information you need to make money trading can be found on the right chart. They use oscillators and indicator lines, along with moving averages, trade volume information, and standard deviation bands, to find the optimal places to buy and sell. Chartists often find success with short-term trading, where technical analysis methods and well-vetted charting tools have a successful track record.

This discipline is closely related to robo-trading, which automates trading based on pre-programmed decision heuristics that identify buying and selling signals via technical analysis and charting. Successful traders look for tools that give them advantages: while no single indicator is 100% predictive, chartists and technical analysts will seek out ways to evaluate trade ideas, analyze signals, and provide key confirmation to help them make rational, emotionless, and effective trading decisions. Tickeron’s artificial intelligence offerings, like A.I.dvisor, can provide the confirmation, accuracy, and reliability traders need to make successful trades.

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