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How Do I Know I’m Getting Credit for the Years I’ve Worked?

In today's digital age, it's essential to stay informed about your financial standing, especially when it comes to the years you've worked and the credit you've earned. One area where this is particularly crucial is Social Security benefits, which can provide valuable income during retirement. But how can you ensure that you're receiving credit for the years you've worked? Let's explore the steps you can take to stay on top of your Social Security credits and make the most of your hard-earned contributions.

Traditionally, workers in the United States would receive an annual statement in the mail, providing an overview of their Social Security information. However, due to budget cuts, this practice has changed, and workers are now encouraged to access their statements online. In fact, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has created an online platform where you can create an account and view your statement conveniently. This shift to digital statements has enabled cost savings and streamlined operations for the SSA.

If you were employed between 1999 and 2010, you likely received these annual statements in the mail. However, if you haven't registered for online statements, the SSA will now send you a letter every five years to remind you to sign up. By doing so, the SSA ensures that you have access to your statement and the relevant information about your Social Security benefits.

To get started, visit the SSA's website at There, you can easily create an online account by following the provided instructions. It's important to note that you may need to access the site during business hours, as certain functionalities may only be available during those times.

Once you've set up your account, you can view your Social Security statement at any time. This statement provides valuable insights into your work history, including the number of years you've worked and your reported earnings. It also estimates the benefits you may be eligible to receive upon retirement, disability, or in the unfortunate event of your death. Reviewing this statement regularly will help you ensure that your work credits are being accurately recorded.

If you have any doubts or questions about the information in your statement, you can always contact the SSA. The administration is known for its diligent record-keeping practices and has responded to over 40 million requests for statements over the years. Rest assured that your work history is being carefully tracked and that you are receiving the credit you deserve.

Staying informed about the credit you're receiving for the years you've worked is crucial, particularly when it comes to Social Security benefits. With the transition to online statements, it has become easier than ever to access and review your work history. By creating an online account with the SSA, you can view your statement at your convenience and ensure that your work credits are accurately recorded. Taking the time to stay informed about your Social Security credits will help you make informed decisions about your retirement and financial future.

Create an online Social Security Account — Here

For about a decade from 2000-2010, every worker in America would receive an annual statement in the mail. This fell subject to budget cuts, and today workers are encouraged to go online to view their social security information. Some workers receive mailings every 5 years to remind them if they have not signed up for the online statements.

Starting in 1999, the Social Security Administration mailed 4-page annual statements to over 150 million workers. About 500,000 of these were delivered every day, at an annual cost of about $70 million. Budget costs eventually caused the statements to go paperless for a while, and as of 2016, workers who have not registered online will receive a letter every 5 years that contains a statement and information about how to register for the online statements.

The Social Security Administration will honor requests for statements, and has responded to over 40 million such requests over time. The Social Security Administration is very good at keeping records, and you can rest assured that you are getting credit for the work you do.

Their website,, makes it easy to register and view your statement, but you may have to access the site during business hours.

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