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How often do I need to rebalance my portfolio?

The Frequency of Portfolio Rebalancing: Navigating Through the Complexity

When it comes to portfolio rebalancing, a common question among investors is, "How often should I rebalance my portfolio?" The answer, however, isn't so straightforward. In essence, it hinges on several factors, including the unique composition of your portfolio, your risk tolerance, and your overall financial goals.

Decoding Rebalancing: Definition and Importance

Rebalancing, in simple terms, is the practice of realigning the weightings of a portfolio of assets. It involves the periodic buying or selling of assets to maintain your original asset allocation. This process is paramount as it ensures your portfolio aligns with your predetermined risk tolerance and investment objectives.

But why is this important? Rebalancing works as a contrarian investment strategy, allowing you to buy low and sell high without getting overly analytical. Furthermore, it helps maintain a pre-determined asset allocation in accordance with an investment plan, thereby keeping your portfolio's risk profile consistent.

Rebalancing can be likened to both an art and a science due to the myriad methods and theories around it. Some investors choose to rebalance automatically, say quarterly or based on certain triggering events like a significant increase in a portfolio segment's value. Services like Tickeron facilitate this process by providing tools for monthly portfolio rebalancing.

In contrast to the "stocks for the long run" mantra that has fallen out of favor, recent financial research recommends at least quarterly rebalancing of your entire investment portfolio. However, the frequency of rebalancing should be guided by your investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial needs. Long-term investors adopting a buy-and-hold approach may review allocations annually, while those with short-term goals may find frequent rebalancing necessary to stay on course.

The Costs of Rebalancing

Contrary to what many may think, rebalancing isn't free. The process incurs transaction fees associated with buying and selling securities. It might also come with a cost of performance. For instance, selling securities that have seen significant price appreciation to rebalance your portfolio could mean missing out on further price surges. Therefore, by making rebalancing a part of your investment plan, you can anticipate these potential costs and make informed decisions.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Rebalancing

The benefits of rebalancing are manifold. It keeps investors' portfolios in line with their risk tolerance and desired returns. Rebalancing maintains a disciplined, emotion-free investment approach, reducing exposure to risk, and it can be modified as investors' financial needs and investment goals evolve. Furthermore, both experienced individual investors and portfolio managers can perform this task.

Despite the advantages, there are some downsides to consider. Rebalancing entails transaction costs, which can reduce net income. It might also lead to missed opportunities if securities that are sold to rebalance continue their upward price trajectory. Rebalancing requires investing knowledge and experience to reduce risk exposure appropriately, and unnecessary rebalancing can increase an investor's costs.

When and How to Rebalance

While there's no definitive schedule for portfolio rebalancing, it's generally suggested that investors assess their allocations at least once a year. Ignoring rebalancing could lead to suboptimal performance and excessive risk exposure.

Rebalancing provides the chance to sell high and buy low, reinvesting the gains from top-performing investments into areas poised for significant growth. Moreover, it's a method to protect investors from undue risk and maintain exposure within the portfolio manager's area of expertise.

There are various rebalancing strategies, including calendar, constant-mix, and portfolio-insurance. Each has its merits and downsides. For instance, while calendar rebalancing is less costly, it may not respond swiftly to market fluctuations. The constant-mix strategy, on the other hand, is more reactive but incurs higher costs.

Rebalancing is a critical aspect of portfolio management, ensuring that a portfolio's asset allocation remains aligned with an investor's risk and reward profile. However, it's not a one-size-fits-all process, and understanding its intricacies can assist investors in making the right decisions that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance.



There are different methods and theories about rebalancing, and the answer is basically “it depends.”

There is no set rule for the frequency of rebalancing your portfolio, and any generic rules that exist do not necessarily apply to or predict the performance of your particular portfolio. If you’re not very familiar with it, rebalancing is the redistribution of gains from the winning areas of your portfolio to the other areas.

This not only preserves your asset allocation structure, but it is also a contrarian investment strategy which allows you to “buy low and sell high” without thinking too much about it. You might choose to automatically rebalance quarterly, for example, or based on triggering events, such as a portion of your portfolio growing to a certain amount.

Tickeron provides you with monthly rebalancing of your portfolios.

According to recent research in financial publications, the mantra of “stocks for the long run” does not work any longer. Therefore, we recommend at least quarterly rebalancing of your entire investment portfolio.

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