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How to Get Notified About Stock Market Predictions

The stock market today is driven by buy and sell predictions. Tickeron provides Buy & Sell Alerts for all asset classes: stocks, ETFs, FOREX, cryptocurrency, and Mutual Funds. Buy & Sell Alerts allow you to optimize your earnings through trading and investing. Keep track of big market movers by customizing Buy & Sell Alerts to show the top stock gainers today.

The easiest way to set up alerts:

When you open Tickeron, you can instantly start searching for trade ideas from the Home page. For example, let’s assume you’d like to get TSLA trade ideas:



Clicking on the name of the ticker will take you through to a new page, which shows you technical and fundamental information relevant to Tesla. We provide a bunch of useful metrics and analytics, but you can opt to use ALERT SETUP to get only specific buy or sell recommendations: 



Take advantage of Tickeron’s AI Alert System for on the spot buy and sell recommendations. Set a SELL or BUY signal for alerts based on a particular indicator to receive relevant notifications whenever Tickeron spots the signal you’re looking for. These alerts will be sent directly to your email / as a push notification, and will not require you to visit the Tickeron website. 


Click SAVE & START to confirm your alerts.


How to set up alerts in a watchlist:

Go to the MY WATCHLISTS page to add a list of tickers you’d like to monitor:




To make a new watchlist, click +ADD NEW.

On the Create a New Watchlist page, follow the following steps:

1) Name the list

2) Add tickers to the right-hand bar, separating each of them by a space.

3) Click on the plus to the right of the bars to finish creating the watchlist.



Once you’ve clicked through to the new watchlist you created, click on the pen to edit the name or TURN ON ALL ALERT to activate the signals:


Other ways to set up alerts:


You can configure a specific alert filter for any ticker you come across, on any Tickeron page. All you need to do is just click on the ticker, and select ALERT SETUP. A separate window will pop out to adjust the settings:


Odds of Success for Buy/Sell Recommendations:

Are you searching for the ultimate buy and sell recommendations aggregator to trade cryptocurrencies, FOREX, stocks, and many other asset classes? Look no further than Tickeron’s AI.

The system analyzes a vast amount of data and segregates it to form unbiased buy or sell signals. Recommendations are generated through the extensive use of technical indicators, fundamental metrics, market patterns, and other instruments. We use a weighted-sum model to calculate the accurate odds of success for a trade, thereby bringing you clarity and trading confidence.



We deploy Artificial Intelligence to backtest across as many different indicators as possible. We developed a proprietary formula called the “Odds of Trading Success,” in which A.I.-driven backtesting can analyze a broader range of past outcomes, offering greater insight into the likelihood of an outcome happening again. 


In other words, A.I algorithms take into account all previous outcomes of similar market conditions. It then estimates the overall success rate and summarizes current market conditions to generate an ultimate summary. 

Odds of success are applied to all Tickeron products. Our back testing gives you access to all prior instances of similar situations. For example, if a Bollinger Band tracked by our A.I. for the biotech company CYTK Cytokinetics (CYTK) has been successful in 90% of previous instances, then the odds of success for the combination of CYTK Cytokinetics and the Bollinger Band indicator will be 90%. 


 Disclaimers and Limitations

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