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What are Alternative Funds?

In the vast realm of financial investment, it's common to encounter familiar classes of assets: stocks, bonds, and cash. These conventional categories have stood the test of time, offering investors tangible ways to build and grow their wealth. However, they're not the only game in town. Enter alternative investments, a niche yet burgeoning category in the financial world that provides an entirely different investment narrative.

Defining Alternative Investments

Alternative investments refer to financial assets that diverge from traditional investment categories, such as stocks, bonds, and cash. They embrace a wider spectrum of opportunities, including but not limited to private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, real estate, commodities, derivatives contracts, and tangible assets like art, antiques, and collectibles. In recent years, even cryptocurrencies have joined this category, epitomizing the evolving nature of alternative investments.

Alternative Funds: A Window to Non-Traditional Assets

Among the investment vehicles used to access alternative investments, alternative funds are rapidly gaining popularity. These are mutual funds that channel investments into non-traditional asset classes such as commodities, agricultural products, and non-publicly traded companies. By straying from the beaten path of mainstream investments, alternative funds enable portfolio diversification and offer exposure to markets that might otherwise remain inaccessible.

For example, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) allow someone to invest in high-yield real estate without the startup capital usually required to buy actual real estate. Similarly, alternative funds focused on commodities offer direct exposure to precious metals or agricultural products, providing a hedge against traditional market volatility.

Hedge Fund Strategies and Alternative Funds

Interestingly, alternative funds often adopt investment strategies that were previously exclusive to hedge funds. These strategies may include opportunistic shorting or shadowing the movements of large hedge funds, giving retail investors a taste of sophisticated hedge fund maneuvers.

Alternative funds also delve into areas like private equity or venture capital, providing investors access to the dynamic world of startups and high-growth enterprises. As a result, they offer an attractive investment avenue for those who wish to venture beyond conventional assets.

The Regulatory Landscape and Liquidity

Unlike traditional investments, alternative investments usually have fewer regulations from regulatory bodies like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). While this can offer more freedom, it also implies increased risk and due diligence responsibility for the investor.

Moreover, alternative investments tend to be somewhat illiquid, making them less suitable for investors seeking quick cash outs. However, the illiquidity premium associated with alternative investments often results in potentially higher returns, making them an enticing option for long-term investors.

The Allure of Alternative Funds

Alternative funds offer a unique way to diversify a portfolio and gain exposure to asset classes otherwise beyond the reach of the typical investor. They democratize access to hedge fund strategies and non-traditional asset classes, broadening the horizon for individual investors.

While they do present unique challenges in terms of regulation and liquidity, the potential for high returns and the benefit of portfolio diversification often outweigh these considerations. Therefore, for the savvy investor, alternative funds could be an exciting frontier in their investment journey.

As with any investment decision, potential investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance and investment goals before venturing into alternative funds. It's always advisable to seek professional advice and thoroughly research any investment opportunity.

The Benefits of Investing in Alternative Funds

As previously discussed, alternative funds bring diversification to an investment portfolio. But that's just the start. They also serve to hedge against inflation, since many alternative assets such as commodities, real estate, and certain types of equities are often resistant to inflationary pressures. Additionally, their low correlation to traditional markets means they can provide stable returns even during periods of economic uncertainty.

The Different Types of Alternative Funds

Alternative funds are not a monolithic class; they offer a variety of investment options. Some funds focus on commodities like gold, silver, or oil. Others might invest in futures contracts for agricultural products like cocoa, oranges, or pork bellies. Some alternative funds take the form of REITs, offering a pathway into high-yield real estate. Still others might focus on private equity, investing in high-growth companies not available on public exchanges.

Retail Investors and Alternative Funds

Traditionally, alternative investments have been the domain of institutional or accredited investors. However, the rise of alternative funds has made these investment opportunities more accessible to retail investors. These funds simplify the process of investing in non-traditional assets, allowing retail investors to diversify their portfolios and potentially enhance their returns.

The Risks of Alternative Funds

Like any investment, alternative funds carry risks. Due to their non-traditional nature and less stringent regulation, they might be subject to greater volatility compared to traditional investments. Their illiquidity can be a challenge, especially for those who might need to liquidate their assets quickly. It's also important to consider that alternative funds may have higher fees due to their complex and specialized nature.

Future of Alternative Funds

The world of alternative funds is dynamic and ever-evolving. As investors continue to seek diversified portfolios and higher returns, the demand for these non-traditional investment vehicles will likely grow. Coupled with advances in technology and increased financial literacy, the potential for alternative funds in the global financial landscape seems robust.

Alternative funds provide an avenue for investors to explore unconventional asset classes and strategies. However, they require careful consideration of risk tolerance, investment goals, and due diligence. While they open up a new world of investment opportunities, they are not suitable for everyone. It is crucial for potential investors to understand the benefits and risks, seek professional advice, and make informed decisions. As with all investments, there are no guarantees, but alternative funds certainly present an intriguing and potentially profitable option for the right investor.


The idea with Alternative fund investing is to gain exposure to assets which are not highly correlated with the rest of your portfolio, and which use non-traditional approaches to fund management.

Alternative Funds are mutual funds that invest in non-traditional asset classes such as commodities (gold, silver, oil, etc.), agricultural products (cocoa futures, orange futures, pork-belly futures), non-publicly traded companies and limited partnerships, and so on.

For more information on futures, see “What are Futures Contracts?

This can give the investor increased diversification in his or her portfolio, or allow the investor to gain exposure to asset classes that are not easily accessible otherwise. A popular example is REIT funds, which allow someone to invest in high-yield real estate without the startup capital required for buying actual real estate.

Alternative funds may also offer investment strategies that were previously only found in hedge funds, such as opportunistic shorting, or they may actually shadow the movements of large hedge funds.

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