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What are REITs?

REITs are pooled investments similar to mutual funds, but, like mutual funds, they can take many shapes. They invest in different kinds of real estate and real estate-oriented assets, depending on the REIT, and sell ownership shares to investors. REIT is an acronym for Real Estate Investment Trust. REITs are similar to mutual funds, except that they only invest in real estate properties and related companies and assets such as mortgages. REITs will define the scope of their investments and strategies in their prospectus, which may read something like “We invest only in commercial Real Estate” or “Only in residential houses in Las Vegas” while other REITs are very general. Continue reading...

What is an Equity REIT?

Equity REITs are the more traditional version of Real Estate Investment Trusts, which invest solely in income-producing properties and operate similar to a mutual fund. When investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) investors have a choice between equity REITs, mortgage REITs, and hybrid REITs. Equity REITs invest in income-producing properties, and have a hand in building and renovating such properties. Continue reading...

What is Mortgage REIT?

Mortgage REITs are a type of Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) which offers investors income distributions which result from the interest payment on mortgage loans. Investors enjoy REIT investments as a high-yield income investment which offers exposure to an asset class which is not necessarily correlated with other major asset classes. Mortgage REITs are a subset of this asset type which derives income from the interest due on mortgage loans, which are generally purchased in the form of mortgage-backed securities. Equity REITs are the other major type of REIT, and they invest directly in income-producing properties. Continue reading...

What is a Hybrid REIT?

A Hybrid REIT blends the two major classes of REITs (Equity REITs and Mortgage REITs) to give the investor increased diversification with one investment. A Hybrid REIT is a marketable security much like a mutual fund, invested in both Equity and Mortgage real estate investments. The equity part includes income-producing properties, in which the REIT company owns equity in the property. The mortgage portion consists of mortgages or mortgage-backed securities, in which the REIT earns revenue from debt interest payments. REITs must distribute 90% of their revenue each year to their shareholders (in the form of dividends), and this makes them a high-yield income investment. Continue reading...

What are Real Estate Funds?

Real estate mutual funds invest in publicly-traded companies in the real estate industry, and are slightly different than REITs. A real estate mutual fund invests in companies in the real estate industry. These companies will include real estate brokerage companies in the commercial, residential, or raw land sector, as well as the lending institutions that are involved in such transactions, among other holdings. Continue reading...

What is Investment Property?

Investment property is real estate that an individual or entity owns without the intention to directly use it, but rather to benefit from its ownership. Investment property is not directly used or inhabited by the owner. Its purpose is to provide income through rental or lease, or to be sold at a later time after the property has appreciated. Sometimes this involved building upon the property, or otherwise renovating or improving it. The property might be commercial or residential, with multiple tenants or a single one. Continue reading...

Real Estate Investment Trust: What is a REIT?

A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a pooled investment with a high dividend yield that invests in real estate. REITs give investors an opportunity for participation and diversification in real estate investments, while also offering much higher degrees of liquidity and lower buy-in amounts than can be found in other real estate investments. A REIT operates much like a mutual fund, and would technically be taxable as a corporation if it weren't for its REIT status. Continue reading...

What is Income Property?

An income property is also called an investment property, which is a piece of developed commercial or residential real estate that is used by a third party tenant who makes rental or lease payments for the use of it. Income property can be a good source of income for an individual or business. It can include single- or multi-family residential or commercial properties. Sometimes people co-own income properties together, and receive a proportionate share of the proceeds according to the amount of the start-up capital they paid in. Continue reading...

What are Alternative Funds?

The idea with Alternative fund investing is to gain exposure to assets which are not highly correlated with the rest of your portfolio, and which use non-traditional approaches to fund management. Alternative Funds are mutual funds that invest in non-traditional asset classes such as commodities (gold, silver, oil, etc.), agricultural products (cocoa futures, orange futures, pork-belly futures), non-publicly traded companies and limited partnerships, and so on. Continue reading...

What is Cash Available for Distribution?

Cash Available for Distribution is a term used in REITs and sometimes corporate accounting for the balance of earnings left over after expenses have been paid. After expenses have been paid and a reserve fund amount has been set aside for taxes and other recurring expenditures, there may be enough earnings left over to be designated as Cash Available for Distribution (CAD). It might also be called Funds Available for Distribution (FAD). Continue reading...

What is an Income Trust?

Income trusts are a type of company that has been structured to pass through all earnings to shareholders. A trust is a legal entity, that seeks to use assets in the best interest of beneficiaries. Some pooled investments are categorized as trusts, and they pass all income (and the tax implications) on to investors. Examples include a real estate investment trust (REIT), a royalty trust, a utility trust, or a business investment trust (also known as a master limited partnership, or MLP). Mutual funds can also fall into this category, but they are not necessarily designed just for income. Continue reading...

What is a Dividend?

A dividend is an income-like payment to an investor who holds stock. Dividends tend to be paid by companies who are well established and are not retaining their earnings for capital projects. There are several kinds of dividends, but the most common is the cash dividend. You are not likely to see dividends paid by companies whose stocks are categorized as Growth stocks. Growing companies are going to be ploughing money back into their company for years. Well-established companies tend to distribute some of their profits as dividends because it allows them to retain loyal shareholders and keep the price of the stock fairly steady. Continue reading...

What's important to know about real estate investments?

Real estate can be purchased in a form you can see, touch, and pay maintenance costs on, or it can be purchased indirectly through the use of REITs and other securities tied to the real estate industry. Real estate investments fall into a wide spectrum of subsets. You can invest in residential property, commercial property, development projects, raw land, etc. Within the residential sphere are multi-family residential complexes, rental houses, foreclosure flips, and vacation rentals with property management. Continue reading...

What Are 5 Simple Ways to Invest in Real Estate?

When it comes to investing your hard-earned money, the options can seem overwhelming. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate are all on the table, but which one suits your goals, risk tolerance, and level of involvement? If you're looking for an investment that offers the potential for both steady income and appreciation, real estate might be the answer. In this article, we'll explore five simple ways to invest in real estate and how they can fit into your investment strategy. Continue reading...

How Can I Generate Income Through Real Estate Investments?

If you're interested in making money in real estate, it's crucial to understand the tried-and-true methods that have consistently generated wealth over the years. This article will provide insights into how real estate investments can be a source of income, focusing on both classic strategies and newer opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the real estate market, there are numerous ways to profit from your investments. Continue reading...

Should I have real estate investments?

Real estate has long been used as an alternative investment, to give investors a non-correlated asset that can give a portfolio increased diversification. In the last 15 years or so, with the prevalence and popularity of REITs and real estate industry funds, real estate investments are considered by some to be a core holding instead of an alternative investment. Real Estate investments are so accessible now that they should be considered an indispensable part of any portfolio. Continue reading...

The Best Western REIT Stocks

In the dynamic world of real estate investment trusts (REITs), a handful of companies stand out, not just for their size but for their innovative approaches to property investment and management. This article delves deep into the fabric of the REIT sector, spotlighting the notable players that are reshaping the landscape of real estate investments in the West: PROLOGIS (PLD), American Tower Corp (AMT), Simon Property Group (SPG), Annaly Capital Management (NLY), Rithm Capital Corp (RITM), Tanger (SKT), and Innovative Industrial Properties (IIPR). Each of these companies has etched its mark on the industry, showcasing resilience, growth, and a forward-looking approach that makes them not just survivors but leaders in their domain. Continue reading...

What are five simple ways to invest in real estate?

When looking for investment options, there are many choices for where to put your money. Stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, and real estate are all good investments no matter what level of experience you have; forex or cryptocurrency may be too volatile for beginning investors. Which option you choose will depend on how involved you want to be in your investment, how much money you have to start investing, and how much risk you are comfortable taking on. Continue reading...

Best Southern REIT Stocks: Notable Companies and Data

In the world of finance and investment, one sector that has consistently shown its resilience and ability to provide stable returns to investors is the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) industry. REITs are companies that own and often operate income-producing real estate, including various property types such as office buildings, apartment complexes, warehouses, shopping centers, and more. In this article, we'll delve into the top stocks within the REITs industry, exploring notable companies, the industry's description, and market capitalization. Continue reading...

Unlocking Value in Real Estate: A Financial Analysis of Top REIT Stocks

Unlock the potential of real estate investment without the hassle of property management. Discover the top REIT stocks that are shaping the market, offering investors a blend of steady dividends and growth opportunities. Dive into our latest financial analysis for exclusive insights! Continue reading...