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What is an ETF? Definition

Exchange-Traded Funds, more commonly known as ETFs, are investment vehicles designed to emulate the performance of an underlying index, sector, or category of securities. They are akin to a basket of securities that investors can buy or sell through a brokerage firm on a stock exchange. This unique structure makes ETFs a popular tool for achieving affordable diversification and professionally managed portfolios.

ETFs: Passive Management and Broad Exposure

Unlike actively managed mutual funds, ETFs are generally passively managed, which means they aim to replicate the performance of a specific benchmark rather than outperform it. One famous example of this is the SPY ETF, which is structured to track the S&P 500 index. The company that creates the ETF, such as Barclays iShares in the case of SPY, constructs the ETF by buying the 500 stocks in the S&P 500. Investors then buy shares of the ETF to gain instant exposure to all these stocks and thus, indirectly track the performance of the S&P 500.

The ability to trade ETFs throughout the day, just like individual stocks, is another attractive feature for investors, including day traders. Moreover, some ETFs provide leveraged exposure to major indices, offering 2x or 3x the return (or loss) of the underlying index. This feature makes ETFs a versatile tool for both hedging and speculative purposes.

Bond ETFs: Expanding the Scope of Exchange-Traded Funds

Bond ETFs are a specific type of ETF that exclusively invests in bonds. Similar to bond mutual funds, they hold a portfolio of bonds following various strategies, ranging from U.S. Treasuries to high yields, with varying holding periods, from short to long-term.

The benefits of bond ETFs lie in their ability to provide ordinary investors with inexpensive and passive exposure to benchmark bond indices. They cover a broad range of bond categories, including Treasuries, corporates, convertibles, and floating-rate bonds. Unlike individual bonds, which are sold over the counter by bond brokers, bond ETFs trade on centralized exchanges, promoting liquidity and transparency in the market.

The Affordability and Tax Efficiency of ETFs

Another factor contributing to the popularity of ETFs is their cost-effectiveness. They enable investors to create a custom portfolio with minimal expenses, as ETFs typically have lower transaction costs compared to individual stock purchases.

Moreover, ETFs offer tax efficiency due to their unique structure. The "in-kind" creation and redemption process employed by ETFs allows investors to manage their own capital gains, as taxes are only due upon selling the ETF. This is distinct from mutual funds, where capital gains are distributed to all shareholders, creating a tax liability even if the fund has not been sold.

ETFs are powerful investment tools that offer broad market exposure, passive management, cost-effectiveness, and tax efficiency. They serve different investment needs, whether it's gaining exposure to a particular index, sector, or asset class like bonds. The versatility and benefits of ETFs make them an integral part of modern investment strategies. As an investor, understanding ETFs is crucial in navigating today's complex financial landscape.


ETFs are very popular and useful investment vehicles that offer affordable diversification and professional portfolio management. An ETF is a basket of securities that is designed to ‘mimic’ the performance of an index, sector, or category of securities.

For example, the ETF with ticker SPY is designed to track the performance of the S&P 500, and the company that creates the ETF (in this case Barclays iShares) builds the ETF simply by purchasing the 500 stocks in the S&P 500. Investors can purchase shares of the ETF as a means of gaining instant access to all 500 stocks in the S&P 500, thus tracking its performance.

The main difference between ETFs and mutual funds are that ETFs are not actively managed, they trade intra-day (whereas mutual fund trades settle at the end of the day), and they do not have a goal of outperforming the benchmark. Day traders can use ETFs just as efficiently as stocks or other highly liquid instruments.

By using margin trading to acquire larger positions with leverage, some ETFs can offer 2x or 3x exposure to major indices, which makes them a popular tool for hedging as well as speculating. When you buy an index ETF, you track the performance of a certain market sector, country, industry, or any other coherent basket of securities, without having to individually purchase the stock of multiple companies.

This can be very attractive to investors because there may only be one transaction for which they’ll pay fees, as opposed to multiple trades. ETFs are also "tax-friendly" because you are in charge of the Capital Gains, since you pay taxes only after you sell the ETF (this is not the case for Mutual Funds).

This is partially because of the structure which enables them to trade intra-day: they use a custodian entity to distribute “creation units” in the fund, acting as a buffer from the tax liability of gains.

The abundance of ETFs issued in the last five years allows you to create a tailor-made portfolio with very low expenses. If you had purchased individual stocks, your expenses would have been much higher due to transaction costs associated with so many trades.

How do I buy an ETF?
What kinds of ETFs exist?

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