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What is Accelerated Amortization?

Accelerated amortization is a strategy that allows borrowers to make extra payments toward their mortgage principal, thereby speeding up the repayment of their debt. By making additional payments beyond the required amount, borrowers can reduce the overall interest paid and retire their debt sooner. In this article, we will explore the concept of accelerated amortization, its benefits, and potential drawbacks.

Accelerated Amortization Defined

Amortization refers to the process of spreading out a one-time expense over a specified period through a payment plan or schedule. When it comes to loans, such as mortgages, amortization involves repaying the principal and interest over a predetermined number of years. In a traditional amortization schedule, interest payments tend to be higher in the early years of the loan, gradually decreasing over time.

Accelerated amortization takes this concept a step further by allowing borrowers to make additional payments toward the principal. These extra payments reduce the outstanding balance faster, resulting in a shorter repayment period and potentially substantial interest savings.

Benefits of Accelerated Amortization

  1. Interest Savings: By paying down the principal faster, borrowers reduce the overall amount of interest they would have paid over the life of the loan. This can result in significant savings, especially on long-term mortgages.

  2. Debt Freedom: Accelerated amortization allows borrowers to become debt-free sooner. By making extra payments, borrowers can potentially shave years off their loan term, providing a sense of financial freedom and security.

  3. Equity Building: As the principal balance decreases more rapidly, homeowners build equity in their property at a faster rate. This can be advantageous if they plan to sell the property or use it as collateral for future financing.

Drawbacks and Considerations

  1. Prepayment Penalties: Some lenders include prepayment penalty clauses in their mortgage contracts. These penalties are imposed on borrowers who significantly pay down or pay off their mortgage within a specified timeframe, typically within the first few years. Before pursuing accelerated amortization, borrowers should review their loan agreement to understand if any penalties apply.

  2. Loss of Tax Deduction: In some cases, borrowers may lose out on potential tax deductions by accelerating their mortgage payments. Interest payments on mortgages can be tax-deductible, and by reducing the overall interest paid, borrowers may also reduce their tax benefits. It is essential to consult with a tax advisor to understand the implications of accelerated amortization on tax deductions.

  3. Cash Flow Considerations: Making extra payments toward a mortgage requires additional funds. Borrowers should evaluate their financial situation and determine if they have the available cash flow to support accelerated payments without sacrificing other financial priorities or incurring additional debt.

Implementing Accelerated Amortization

Accelerated amortization can be achieved through different strategies, such as increasing the size of each payment or making more frequent payments. Some borrowers choose to make biweekly payments instead of monthly payments, effectively making 13 payments per year instead of the usual 12. Before implementing accelerated amortization, it is crucial to communicate with the mortgage lender to ensure that the additional payments are correctly applied to the principal and that there are no prepayment penalties or restrictions in place.

Accelerated amortization is a strategy that empowers borrowers to pay off their mortgage debt faster by making extra payments toward the principal. By reducing the outstanding balance sooner, borrowers can save on interest and achieve financial freedom earlier. However, it is essential to consider potential drawbacks, such as prepayment penalties and the impact on tax deductions. Borrowers should carefully evaluate their financial situation and consult with professionals to determine if accelerated amortization aligns with their goals and circumstances.


Accelerated amortization is the recalculation of an amortization schedule, such as mortgage payments, after the borrower pays off some of the debt ahead of schedule.

Amortization describes the accounting practice of giving a one-time expense a retirement schedule or payment plan by which it is to be either deducted for tax purposes, repaid, or paid out. Accelerated amortizations allow for more payments or deductions in the early years rather than later years.

The most easily understood example is in terms of loan repayments. When a debt repayment is amortized, it is given a “life span,” and a borrower is able to repay it over a certain number of years. Interest payments are due along with the principal repayments. Long-term amortizations for large expenses like home mortgages have interest due that can add up to a significant amount over time.

Some borrowers would prefer to accelerate the debt repayment when they can afford to, and thereby avoid paying some of the interest due in the future. Not all loan contracts will allow acceleration or prepayment, and there are sometimes penalties or clauses in the loan agreement that prevent it.

In terms of bonds.

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