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What are some Good Books on Investment?

When it comes to investing, the vast array of books available can be overwhelming. The shelves of the investing section in bookstores are filled with titles promising to unlock the secrets of successful investing. However, not all of these books are created equal, and it's important to choose wisely. In this article, we will explore some of the top books on investment that have stood the test of time and provide valuable insights for investors.

"The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham

Considered the classic treatise on investments, Benjamin Graham's "The Intelligent Investor" is a must-read for anyone looking to gain a deep understanding of investing. First published in 1949, this book has remained relevant and influential to this day. Graham's principles, including value investing and the concept of a margin of safety, have shaped the investment strategies of legendary investors like Warren Buffett. "The Intelligent Investor" teaches investors how to analyze stocks, manage risks, and develop a long-term investment approach.

Biographies of Investing Gurus

In addition to studying investment strategies, it can be valuable to learn from the experiences and insights of successful investors. Biographies of investment gurus like Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch offer valuable lessons and perspectives. "The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life" by Alice Schroeder provides an in-depth look into the life and investing philosophy of Warren Buffett, while "One Up on Wall Street" by Peter Lynch shares the author's successful approach to stock picking. By understanding the thinking and decision-making processes of these investment legends, readers can gain valuable insights to apply to their own investment journey.

Investment Classics

Some books have become timeless classics in the world of investing. "Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits" by Philip Fisher is considered a fundamental guide to selecting and analyzing stocks. Fisher focuses on understanding the quality and growth potential of companies to identify long-term investment opportunities. Another renowned investment classic is "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" by Burton Malkiel. This book explores the efficient market hypothesis and provides insights into portfolio management, asset allocation, and the role of index funds.

Contemporary Investment Literature

While the classics offer enduring wisdom, it is also important to keep up with contemporary investment literature. Authors such as Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard, have contributed valuable insights to the field. Bogle's book "The Little Book of Common Sense Investing" emphasizes the importance of low-cost index funds and the long-term benefits of passive investing. Additionally, "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman explores the behavioral aspects of investing, shedding light on common cognitive biases and their impact on decision-making.

Choosing the Right Books

With the plethora of investment books available, it's crucial to be selective in your reading choices. Avoid books that promise quick riches or guarantee success through a simple formula. Investing is a complex and ever-changing field, requiring a thoughtful and analytical approach. Focus on books that provide timeless principles, in-depth analysis, and insights from seasoned investors.

Building a solid foundation of investment knowledge is essential for any investor. The right books can provide valuable guidance, perspective, and strategies that stand the test of time. Classics like "The Intelligent Investor" and biographies of investment gurus offer valuable insights into successful investing. Investment classics and contemporary literature also contribute to a well-rounded understanding of the field. Remember, investing is a lifelong journey, and continuous learning and adaptation are key to success.


The investing section in your bookstore has shelves packed with titles hoping to earn a five-star rating from you, but not all of these are going to be worth your time.

There are thousands and thousands of books written about investments, stocks, Mutual Funds, retirement portfolios, and so on. By the time most of them hit the market, the information in these books has long become irrelevant.

The classic treatise on investments is Ben Graham’s “The Intelligent Investor.” Try to avoid books with titles like “12 Steps to Financial Prosperity,” and “How to become a Zillionaire.”

You can’t just follow a simple formula when you’re planning to spend years investing and navigating the changing markets. You need to learn how to think like a wise investor, how to approach the situations you will see, because the problems you face in the future will be unlike those in the past.

Read biographies of the gurus in the field, such as Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch, and let how they think influence the way you think.

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