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What is Dividend Growth Rate?

Understanding Dividend Growth Rate

Dividend Growth Rate (DGR) is a key measure that reflects the annualized percentage rate of growth of a specific stock's dividend over a period of time. Many mature companies strive to increase the dividends they pay to their investors on a regular basis. The DGR is an essential input for stock valuation models known as dividend discount models. In this article, we will delve into the concept of dividend growth rate, its calculation, and its significance for investors.

Defining Dividend Growth Rate

Dividend growth rate refers to the annual increase in the scale of dividend payments to stockholders. A higher dividend growth rate is often seen as a positive indicator of a company with solid earnings and a commitment to returning profits to its shareholders.

Dividend growth rate is also known as dividend appreciation and can be calculated using historical data. It is determined by dividing the amount of dividend paid in a year by the share price when the dividend is paid. If the calculated rate is higher than the rate in the previous year, the dividend is said to have appreciated.

Significance of Dividend Growth Rate

The dividend growth rate is a crucial metric for investors because it offers valuable information about a company's long-term profitability and financial health. A history of consistent and strong dividend growth indicates that a company is generating sufficient earnings to support dividend increases. It demonstrates the company's ability to generate cash flows and distribute profits to shareholders.

The dividend growth rate also plays a vital role in stock valuation models, particularly dividend discount models (DDMs). DDMs estimate the intrinsic value of a stock by discounting the estimated future dividends. By incorporating the dividend growth rate into the model, investors can assess whether the current stock price is undervalued or overvalued.

Additionally, companies that exhibit consistent dividend growth over time are often recognized as "Dividend Aristocrats." These are companies that have a track record of increasing dividends for a specified number of consecutive years, indicating their commitment to rewarding shareholders and their stability as an investment.

Investors interested in dividend growth often consider investing in dividend appreciation funds. These funds specifically seek out companies with a history of consistent dividend growth, offering investors exposure to a portfolio of companies that have a strong track record of returning profits to shareholders.

The dividend growth rate provides investors with valuable insights into a company's ability to generate earnings, distribute profits to shareholders, and maintain long-term profitability. By calculating the dividend growth rate, investors can evaluate the historical performance of a stock's dividends and use this information in stock valuation models. A higher dividend growth rate is generally seen as a positive indicator of a company's financial health and its commitment to shareholder value. Understanding the dividend growth rate can assist investors in making informed investment decisions and identifying companies that align with their investment objectives.


Dividend growth rate is the annual increase in the scale of dividend payments to stockholders. Good dividend growth is a sign of a company with solid earnings.

Dividend growth rate is also referred to as dividend appreciation, and it can be computed fairly easily using historical data. Simply put, the dividend rate is the amount of dividend paid in a year divided by the share price when the dividend is paid.

If this rate is higher than the prior year, the dividend is said to have appreciated. Looking forward using the present value of future dividends can be done with valuation estimations such as the Dividend Discount Model (DDM) and the Gordon Growth Model (GGM). You can also determine the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR), which is dividend growth that wouldn’t strain a company.

Companies that can show consistent dividend growth earn titles like Dividend Aristocrats. Dividend appreciation funds seek out companies with consistent dividend growth.

Sometimes it can appear that a company is over-emphasizing dividends when they constantly increase their payout, when perhaps they should retain more earnings, but statistically these companies maintain well.

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