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What is Investment Analysis?

Investment analysis plays a pivotal role in the world of finance, serving as a critical tool for investors to make informed decisions. By thoroughly researching and evaluating various securities, industries, and economic trends, investment analysis enables investors to assess the performance potential and suitability of their investments. This article provides a comprehensive overview of investment analysis, including its definition, types, and importance in portfolio management strategies.

Investment analysis encompasses a wide range of methods used to evaluate investments, industry sectors, and economic trends. Its primary objective is to assess the performance outlook of an investment and its suitability for a particular investor. This involves analyzing past returns to predict future performance, selecting the most suitable investment type based on individual needs, and evaluating individual securities such as stocks and bonds to gauge risks, yield potential, and price movements.

Importance of Investment Analysis in Portfolio Management

Investment analysis is a crucial component of sound portfolio management strategies. It aids investors in making well-informed decisions that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance. To construct a robust investment portfolio, key factors considered in investment analysis include determining the appropriate entry price, establishing the expected time horizon for holding an investment, and defining the role the investment will play within the overall portfolio.

In-depth Evaluation and Peer Comparison

When conducting investment analysis, investors often evaluate mutual funds and other investment vehicles. For example, in the case of analyzing a mutual fund, investors assess its performance over time, comparing it to relevant benchmarks and its main competitors. This peer fund comparison involves investigating performance differences, expense ratios, management stability, sector weighting, investment style, and asset allocation. Such comprehensive evaluations enable investors to make informed decisions based on their unique parameters.

Strategic Thinking in Investment Analysis

Investment analysis also involves evaluating the overall investment strategy employed. This includes assessing the thought process behind the strategy, the investor's financial needs and situation at the time, portfolio performance, and the need for any corrections or adjustments. Investors who are not comfortable conducting investment analysis on their own can seek guidance from investment advisors or other financial professionals, ensuring they receive expert insights tailored to their specific circumstances.

Types of Investment Analysis

While there are numerous approaches to analyzing securities, sectors, and markets, investment analysis can be categorized into several basic types. These types enable investors to adopt various methodologies based on their investment objectives and preferences.

  1. Fundamental Analysis: Fundamental analysis involves examining a company's financials, including its accounts, debt-to-equity ratios, market position relative to peers, and other relevant factors. This method seeks companies and funds that represent long-term quality investments. By considering these fundamental aspects, investors can make informed decisions about the potential value and prospects of a company or fund.

  2. Technical Analysis: Technical analysis relies on quantitative metrics and indicators, primarily derived from price charts, trade volume histograms, oscillators, and Bollinger bands. This approach aims to identify short-term trading opportunities within the trends observed in price, volume, and other measures. Technical analysts believe that the fundamental value of a company is already reflected in its stock price and focus on exploiting market trends for optimal returns.


Investment analysis is the practice of evaluating assets or securities in terms of value, risk and return, as well as correlation with other assets. It is to determine their possible place within various strategies and portfolios.

Some analysis will be done seeking the best option for specific asset classes, some analysis will focus on the best overall portfolio for a given situation. Analysis is done using quantitative metrics and indicators, some of which can be considered fundamental analysis tools and some of which are technical analysis tools.

Fundamental analysis examines the facts about a company, it’s accounts, ratios of debt to equity, market position in relation to peers, etc, and seeks companies and funds that represent quality that can be held long-term. Technical analysis uses price charts, trade volume histograms, oscillators, and Bollinger bands, among other things, to arrive at shorter-term trading decisions.

Technical analysts tend to believe that the fundamental value of a company is already priced into its stock, and that finding opportunities within the trends in the price, volume, and other measures will give an investor the best chance of beating the market.

Tickeron's Offerings

The fundamental premise of technical analysis lies in identifying recurring price patterns and trends, which can then be used to forecast the course of upcoming market trends. Our journey commenced with the development of AI-based Engines, such as the Pattern Search EngineReal-Time Patterns, and the Trend Prediction Engine, which empower us to conduct a comprehensive analysis of market trends. We have delved into nearly all established methodologies, including price patterns, trend indicators, oscillators, and many more, by leveraging neural networks and deep historical backtests. As a consequence, we've been able to accumulate a suite of trading algorithms that collaboratively allow our AI Robots to effectively pinpoint pivotal moments of shifts in market trends.

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