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What is the LIBOR?

The Benchmark Interest Rate for Short-Term Loans, or LIBOR, explained

The benchmark interest rate used to calculate the cost of short-term loans is called LIBOR, which is used as a global reference point. One of the most significant interest rates in the financial sector, it is the rate at which the top banks in the world lend to one another.

The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) determines the LIBOR based on submissions from a panel of banks who disclose the interest rates at which they are ready to lend to other banks for a range of time periods, from overnight to 12 months. Five currencies are listed with their exchange rates: United States dollars, Euros, Pounds Sterling, Japanese Yen, and Swiss francs.

The LIBOR is widely used in financial transactions, including government bonds, mortgages, student loans, credit cards, and derivatives. It is used as a reference point for pricing loans, determining interest payments, and calculating the value of financial instruments. The LIBOR is considered to be a reliable indicator of the cost of borrowing and the overall health of the financial system.

During times of financial stress, sudden spikes in the LIBOR can signal that credit conditions are worsening, and liquidity is becoming less readily available. This can be seen in the example of the 2008 financial crisis, where the LIBOR rate spiked dramatically, reflecting the tightening of credit markets and the reluctance of banks to lend to each other.

Conversely, when LIBOR rates are consistently low, it can indicate that credit conditions are favorable and liquidity is abundant, which tends to be positive for the global economy. In this sense, the LIBOR serves as an important barometer for the overall health of the financial system.

However, the LIBOR has faced scrutiny in recent years, particularly after a series of scandals involving the rate's manipulation. Banks were accused of manipulating the LIBOR rate to profit from trades, which ultimately led to fines and legal settlements totaling billions of dollars.

As a result of these scandals, efforts have been made to reform the LIBOR and replace it with a more reliable benchmark. In the United States, the Federal Reserve has introduced the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) as a replacement for the LIBOR, while in the United Kingdom, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has introduced the Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA).

The transition away from LIBOR is expected to have a significant impact on financial markets, as market participants will need to adjust to the new benchmark rates. The transition is expected to take several years and will require a coordinated effort among financial institutions, regulators, and market participants.

The LIBOR is a benchmark interest rate that plays a critical role in the global financial system. It serves as a reference point for determining the cost of borrowing and the overall health of the financial system. However, recent scandals have led to efforts to replace the LIBOR with more reliable benchmark rates, which will require a significant transition effort among financial institutions and market participants.

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What is the Interbank Rate?
What is Euro LIBOR?

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