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Why Does the Price of a Stock Change?

Understanding the mechanisms of stock price changes is a crucial part of effective investment decision-making. The stock market, in its essence, operates on the fundamental economic principles of supply and demand. However, a comprehensive understanding requires delving into key influencing factors like market sentiment, analytical methods, and economic theories.

Stock prices fluctuate based on the law of supply and demand, which remains a vital constant in economic theory. In a marketplace, the stock's value is essentially determined by its outstanding supply and the demand it has among investors.

For example, if there are more buyers than sellers, the stock price increases due to heightened demand. Conversely, if there are more sellers than buyers, the stock price declines as supply surpasses demand. This fluctuation embodies the basic economic theory of supply and demand.

The Efficient Market Hypothesis

The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) holds a significant position in understanding stock price changes. According to EMH, a stock's price reflects all known information about it. The information here includes the financial health of the company, market sentiment, and broader economic factors. The price that investors are willing to pay at any moment is influenced by these variables, thus affecting the stock price.

Stock Evaluation: Discounted Cash Flow Model

Investors and financial analysts often rely on the Discounted Cash Flow Model (DCFM) to evaluate a stock's price. This model projects the company's future cash flows and discounts them at a certain rate, representing the time value of money. The DCFM can provide an estimate of a stock's intrinsic value, helping investors decide whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued.

Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis is another key method in stock evaluation. It uses the book value of a company, its competitors, and various economic and market data to assess a company's market position and future prospects. By examining factors such as a company's earnings, revenue, and financial ratios, investors can glean insights into the business's overall health and its stock's potential future performance.

Technical Analysis

Unlike fundamental analysis that focuses on a company's intrinsic value, technical analysis is concerned with price and trading data. It utilizes quantitative methods to spot trends and patterns, such as moving averages and oscillators. Technical analysis helps investors predict short-term price movements and is particularly useful in day trading or swing trading.

The Equilibrium of Supply and Demand

Both fundamental and technical analysis aim to find an equilibrium point where supply and demand are balanced. In theory, this equilibrium would remain until disrupted by a new event or information, causing the stock price to adjust accordingly.

The price of a stock changes due to a variety of factors. While supply and demand form the bedrock, other elements like investor sentiment, analytical methods, and economic theories play significant roles in shaping the price. Investors need to comprehend these influences to make informed decisions in the ever-changing landscape of the stock market.


Stock prices change based on the law of supply and demand.

Ultimately, as with the price of any good or service, the outstanding supply and consumer demand will define its value in the marketplace. Indeed, the efficient market hypothesis states that the price of a LINK will already reflect all known information about it and what investors are willing to pay for it at the time, based on that information.

The price of a stock goes up if there are more buyers than sellers, and it goes down if there are more sellers than buyers. While the motivations of market participants might be totally different in each case, it is the perception of how well the company will perform which ultimately drives the stock price.

The most popular way to evaluate a stock's price is to take the future cash flows of the company and discount them based on a certain rate of money growth. This is called the Discounted Cash Flow Model (DCFM).

The broader methods by which companies and stocks prices are evaluated are known as fundamental and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis seeks to use the book value of a company and its competitors, as well as economic and market data, to decide if a company has a strong market position and positive outlook for the future.

Technical analysis will use price and trading data from trading sessions to try to spot trends around moving average lines, as well as many other quantitative methods such as the use of oscillators. This method seeks to find the value of a company based on trading data alone, without looking at the company’s books.

Technical analysis tends to be more useful for short-term trading, also known as Day Trading or Swing Trading, than fundamental analysis, which is more of a buy-and-hold school of thought. Both forms of analysis tend to see most movements as the market trying to find the right price around a point of efficiency where supply and demand would be held in equilibrium, theoretically, until a disruption occurred.

What is defined as a Market Correction?
What are the Tax Implications for Making a Profit (or Loss) On a Stock?

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