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The Art of Price Action Trends: AI Backtests achieve 70% Odds of Success

In the real of financial analysis, a nuanced understanding of the techniques for predicting stock market trends is paramount. This article delves into the methodologies employed by artificial intelligence (AI) to forecast market movements, focusing specifically on Stock trends over weekly and monthly periods.

Trend trading is a strategy derived from Technical Analysis (TA) that enables investors to profit from prevailing market trends by providing signals on when to buy or sell based on end-of-day data.

Rule of Thumb in Weekly Predictions


  • Bullish Predictions: AI anticipates a minimum increase of +2% for stocks on any given day within the next week. Such optimism is based on a series of complex algorithms that analyze past market data to forecast future trends. A successful prediction sees stocks climbing by at least +2%, marking a profitable opportunity for short-term traders.
  • Trade Idea: Investors are advised to purchase stocks under a 'Bullish Next Week' trend with high confidence, aiming to sell once the target price is achieved.
  • Sideways Movement: AI foresees a scenario where stocks neither gain nor lose significantly, staying within a -2% to +2% range over the next week. This prediction caters to day traders who thrive on short-term fluctuations driven by market sentiments.
  • Trade Idea: In this scenario, traders might opt to remain passive or engage in selling options to benefit from market stability.
  • Bearish Predictions: A downward trend is expected, with stocks predicted to drop by at least -2% within the forthcoming week. AI's calculations suggest a careful strategy for traders looking to capitalize on this decline.
  • Trade Idea: Selling stocks short upon a 'Bearish Next Week' forecast could yield profits if the decline materializes as anticipated.

Rule of Thumb in Monthly Predictions


  • Bullish Predictions: On a monthly scale, AI projects a minimum +4% increase in stock prices. This long-term optimism is crucial for swing traders focusing on more substantial, sustained gains.
  • Trade Idea: Purchasing stocks or call options based on a 'Bullish Next Month' trend could lead to significant returns if the market moves as predicted.
  • Sideways Movement: Stocks are expected to fluctuate minimally, within a -4% to +4% range, over the next month. This prediction is particularly relevant for investors who prefer a cautious approach, awaiting clear market directions.
  • Trade Idea: Holding positions or selling options could be strategic, leveraging the expected market stability.
  • Bearish Predictions: A -4% decline is forecasted for the month ahead, signaling a period of potential market correction or downturn.
  • Trade Idea: Short selling stocks predicted to fall or selling owned securities before their value diminishes could be prudent strategies.

Understanding Trend Analysis

Trend analysis, a cornerstone of technical analysis, uses historical market data to predict future price movements. It operates on the principle that past trends can offer insights into future market directions, analyzing short-, intermediate-, and long-term trends to guide investment strategies.

Types of Trends:

  • Upward (Bull Market): Characterized by sustained price increases, indicating economic strength.
  • Downward (Bear Market): Defined by prolonged price decreases, often reflecting economic downturns.
  • Sideways (Range Bound Market): Marked by stable prices without a clear upward or downward direction, useful for identifying periods of market consolidation.

How to Trade with Trend Analysis

Successful trend trading involves isolating market trends and capitalizing on them. Techniques include:

  • Moving Averages: This strategy involves trading based on the direction indicated by the crossover of short-term and long-term moving averages.
  • Momentum Indicators: Traders might enter positions based on the momentum signaled by indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI), aiming to capture gains from trading securities.
  • Trendlines & Chart Patterns: Identifying patterns and trend lines helps traders make informed decisions on entry and exit points, enhancing the potential for profit.

Sergey Savastiouk, Ph.D., CEO and Founder of Tickeron, emphasizes the distinctiveness of their 'Odds of Success' formula, highlighting how it uniquely equips investors to assess the likelihood of asset price trends continuing or reversing, thus enhancing trading success. This tool has received positive feedback from TPE users, who are making profitable use of its capabilities. Additionally, successful trend trading tactics such as utilizing moving averages, momentum indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and identifying trendlines and chart patterns help traders isolate market trends and optimize entry and exit points, aiming to achieve an 85% Odds of Success as demonstrated in AI backtests.


Predicting stock market trends involves a detailed analysis of past and present data, utilizing AI's capabilities to forecast future movements. Whether dealing with stocks or ETFs, understanding the nuances of bullish, bearish, and sideways trends, alongside implementing strategic trading plans, can significantly aid in making informed investment decisions.

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