Learn about investing, trading, retirement, banking, personal finance and more.
Explore the concept of unsystematic risk, unique to specific investments. Learn how diversification can mitigate this risk, the importance of the risk-return tradeoff, and the balance between diversification and potential returns. Discover strategies for effective risk management
Explore the diverse range of mutual fund classifications beyond market capitalization and P/E ratios. Learn about industry-specific, sector, geographically focused, index, and asset allocation funds. Tailor your investment strategy to align with your objectives and risk tolerance
Explore the intricacies of Keogh Plans, a retirement savings option for small business owners. Learn about eligibility, contribution limits, tax benefits, and the administrative responsibilities involved in setting up and managing a Keogh Plan.
Explore the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), a U.S. law prohibiting bribery of foreign officials. Learn about its anti-bribery provisions, enforcement by the SEC and DOJ, and its impact on U.S. businesses operating abroad. Understand how the FCPA promotes ethical business practices globally.
Explore the 401(k) contribution limits for 2022 & 2023. Discover the changes made by the IRS and their implications. Learn about the employee, combined, and Roth 401(k) limits, including the benefits for older contributors. Stay informed and optimize your retirement savings strategy.
Delve into the world of Monte Carlo Simulation, tracing its history, methodology, and diverse applications in finance and beyond. Uncover its significance in risk assessment, decision-making, and probability estimation across unpredictable terrains. While offering valuable insights...
Range-bound trading: Understand buying at support & selling at resistance. Utilize stop-loss points & indicators for successful trades within established price channels. Learn how to navigate price ranges and manage risk while trading securities strategically until a breakout or breakdown occurs.
Learn how to manually allocate funds in your investment portfolio with our simple guide. Discover steps to select stocks or asset classes, add preferred tickers, and customize fund distribution. Ideal for investors looking to tailor their portfolio to specific preferences and goals.
Top energy stocks: Discover pioneering energy companies like Valero Energy Corp, Pure Storage, and Generac Holdings, reshaping the future of sustainable power solutions. Explore investment opportunities from stable giants to high-growth innovators in this dynamic sector.
Dive into the cryptocurrency world with an expert guide to trading digital assets. Explore Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, and learn key trading strategies, including technical and fundamental analysis.