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What is Euro LIBOR?

Euro LIBOR, short for the London Interbank Offered Rate denominated in euros, plays a significant role in the global financial markets. It serves as the benchmark interest rate at which banks offer each other large, short-term loans in euros. In this article, we will delve into what Euro LIBOR is, how it works, and its implications going forward.

What is Euro LIBOR?

Euro LIBOR is part of the wider LIBOR system, which stands for the London Interbank Offered Rate. LIBOR is considered the primary benchmark for short-term interbank loans worldwide. It signifies the average lending rate at which banks in London would charge each other for short-term loans. Euro LIBOR specifically refers to the LIBOR denominated in euros.

The British Bankers Association is responsible for publishing the LIBOR rates, including Euro LIBOR. It is important to note that Euro LIBOR should not be confused with Euribor, which is published by the European Money Markets Institute. While both rates are used in the Eurozone, Euribor is more commonly employed for Euro-denominated instruments.

How Does Euro LIBOR Work?

Euro LIBOR is determined daily by a panel of 16 banks in London. These banks set the rate at the beginning of each day, reflecting the interest rate at which they are willing to lend to one another for short-term loans in euros. However, it's important to note that the Euro LIBOR rate fluctuates throughout the day as market conditions evolve.

This benchmark rate enables banks to maintain liquidity requirements efficiently. Banks with surpluses can lend to other banks in need, ensuring a smooth flow of funds within the interbank market. Euro LIBOR provides a reference point for banks to price their own lending rates and manage their capital effectively.

Usage and Alternatives

While Euro LIBOR is a significant benchmark rate, it is not as commonly used as its counterpart, Euribor. Various domestic reference rates, such as PIBOR in France and FIBOR in Germany, serve as alternatives for Eurozone countries.

Nevertheless, Euro LIBOR remains relevant for certain financial instruments and contracts. It can be used for Euro-denominated forward rate contracts, interest rate swaps, and short-term interest rate futures contracts. For these specific applications, Euro LIBOR and Euribor may be interchangeable.

Implications Going Forward

It is worth noting that the future of LIBOR, including Euro LIBOR, is uncertain. Due to concerns regarding the reliability and integrity of LIBOR, global regulators are working on transitioning to alternative benchmark rates, such as the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) in the United States and the Euro Short-Term Rate (€STR) in the Eurozone. These rates are intended to replace LIBOR by the end of 2021.

As the financial industry undergoes this transition, market participants and stakeholders will need to adapt to the new benchmark rates. The aim is to ensure a more robust and transparent framework for determining short-term interest rates, while minimizing the risk of manipulation or inaccuracies associated with LIBOR.

In conclusion, Euro LIBOR plays a crucial role as the benchmark rate for Euro-denominated short-term loans among banks. While it is not as widely used as Euribor, Euro LIBOR serves as a reference rate for certain financial products. As global regulators transition away from LIBOR, the financial industry will need to embrace alternative benchmark rates to ensure the integrity and efficiency of the market.


The primary benchmark for short-term interbank loans around the world is the LIBOR, and the Euro Libor is the LIBOR denominated in Euros.

There are 16 banks in London that set the LIBOR at the start of each day, and it signifies the average lending rate that the banks would charge each other for short-term loans. The EURO LIBOR is the same, denominated in euros. LIBOR stands for the London Interbank Offered Rate.

It is published by the British Bankers Association. This is not to be confused with the Euribor, published by the European Money Markets Institute. The LIBOR tends to be used more for USD- and GBP-denominated instruments.

It is similar to the federal funds rate in America, not in its amount but in its significance. Between the Euribor and the Euro LIBOR, either can be used for Euro-denominated forward rates contracts, interest rate swaps, and short term interest rate futures contracts.

The Euribor is used more often, and the Euro LIBOR is, in fact, rarely used. There are other domestic reference rates, such as the PIBOR in France, the FIBOR in Germany, and so on.

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