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What is the High-Low Index?

In the dynamic and intricate world of financial markets, various tools and indicators help investors gauge the market's direction and vitality. One such effective tool is the High-Low Index, a market breadth indicator, which compares the number of stocks reaching their 52-week highs to the number hitting their 52-week lows. This article offers a comprehensive understanding of the High-Low Index.

High-Low Index: An Overview

The High-Low Index is a technical indicator that monitors the number of stocks touching their 52-week highs or lows on any given day. Frequently referred to as "New Highs and New Lows" in media parlance, this index offers a snapshot of market breadth and vitality.

This index is usually expressed as a simple moving average (SMA), typically a 10-day or longer Record High Percent. An SMA is a tool that helps traders identify if a bullish or bearish trend will persist or change course. By equally weighting each data point, SMAs limit bias towards any specific point in a given time period, aiding in simplicity and effectiveness.

A Dive into the Numbers

The Record High Percent, the backbone of the High-Low Index, takes the number of 52-week highs reached in a day and divides it by the sum of all the new highs and new lows of the day. This number is then expressed as a percentage. If this percentage is above 50, it indicates more new highs than lows and vice versa.

The High-Low Index, therefore, oscillates between 0 and 100, providing valuable insights into market conditions. A number over 50 is a bullish indicator, suggesting an overall market uptrend. Conversely, a figure below 50 serves as a bearish sign, implying a possible market downtrend. Typically, this index is calculated for specific market indexes, such as the S&P 500.

Practical Application: Confirming Market Trends

Investors and traders utilize the High-Low Index to confirm the prevailing market trend of a broad market index, like the Standard and Poor’s 500 index (S&P 500). It offers valuable insights into the market's health by identifying whether market highs or lows are dominating trading activity.

However, while the High-Low Index is a powerful tool, wise traders seldom rely solely on a single indicator to make trading decisions. They often seek additional signals to validate or challenge potential trading decisions, thereby reducing the risk of market noise or false signals.

Contemporary artificial intelligence tools provide potent ways to evaluate trade ideas, scrutinize signals, and deliver key confirmations required for rational, emotionless, and effective trades.

Understanding Market Dynamics with the High-Low Index

High-Low Index is a versatile and straightforward indicator that offers a broad view of the market's health. By comparing stocks that are reaching their 52-week highs with those hitting their 52-week lows, this index allows traders to understand the overall trend and make informed decisions accordingly. Remember, though the High-Low Index can provide valuable insights, it should not be used in isolation. As with any indicator, it is most effective when used in conjunction with other tools and indicators, and an understanding of the broader market and economic context. When used wisely, the High-Low Index can be a powerful asset in any trader's toolkit, helping them navigate the complexities of the financial market.


Often referred to in the media as “New Highs and New Lows,” the High-Low Index is an observation of the number of stocks which hit 52-week highs or lows in the current day. The High-Low Index is usually expressed as a simple moving average (10-day or longer) of the Record High Percent.

A Simple Moving Average (SMA) is a technical indicator that can help traders determine whether a bull or bear trend will continue or reverse course. It typically adds up closing prices for a given time period, then divides that figure by the number of time periods used for the average. Simple moving averages are effective in their simplicity, but their efficacy is most closely tied to how they are used. By giving equal weight to each data point, SMAs can limit bias towards any specific point in a specific time period.

The Record High Percent takes the number of 52-week highs reached in a day and divides it by the sum of all the new highs and new lows in the day; that number is then expressed as a percentage. Adding the total number of new highs and new lows in the denominator means that when it is expressed as a percentage, a number over 50 indicates more new highs than lows, and the opposite if the number is below 50. These figures can then be plotted as the High-Low Index.

The High-Low Index is represented as a number between 0 and 100 and can be used to gauge bullish or bearish conditions, with a number over 50 being a bullish indicator and below 50 being a bearish one. The high-low index is normally calculated for specific market indexes like the S&P 500.

Savvy traders will look for additional signals to confirm – or force them to reconsider – potential trading decisions. Artificial intelligence tools from Tickeron give traders powerful ways to evaluate trade ideas, analyze signals, and provide the key confirmation needed to make rational, emotionless, and effective trades.

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The fundamental premise of technical analysis lies in identifying recurring price patterns and trends, which can then be used to forecast the course of upcoming market trends. Our journey commenced with the development of AI-based Engines, such as the Pattern Search Engine, Real-Time Patterns, and the Trend Prediction Engine, which empower us to conduct a comprehensive analysis of market trends. We have delved into nearly all established methodologies, including price patterns, trend indicators, oscillators, and many more, by leveraging neural networks and deep historical backtests. As a consequence, we've been able to accumulate a suite of trading algorithms that collaboratively allow our AI Robots to effectively pinpoint pivotal moments of shifts in market trends.

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