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What is an Income Trust?

Income Trust Definition An income trust represents a type of investment trust that encompasses income-generating assets. It may be organized as a personal investment fund or a commercial trust offering publicly traded closed-end fund shares. Both these structures are geared towards creating a steady revenue flow for their investors or beneficiaries.

Understanding Income Trusts Income trusts employ a diversified portfolio of income-yielding assets in their trust fund, ensuring a constant stream of distributions. The primary aim of this investment vehicle is to use assets optimally for the beneficiaries' benefit. A trust becomes a legal entity committed to employing its assets for beneficiaries' welfare.

Types of Income Trusts Income trusts can manifest in several forms, including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), royalty trusts, utility trusts, or business investment trusts, such as master limited partnerships (MLPs). Mutual funds may also fall within this classification, although they aren't specifically designed for income purposes. These trusts invariably pass all earnings and corresponding tax implications onto investors.

REITs are the most prevalent corporate income trusts, offering publicly traded shares on the open market while building an income-generating real estate investment portfolio.

Personal Investment Trusts and Inheritance Personal income trusts often contain provisions that outline the beneficiary's involvement and the inheritance transfer process. The terms of the trust detail the trustee's investment management and administration responsibilities in managing the trust. They serve as a personal investment instrument often used to manage family assets and structure inheritances. In this case, the trustee manages the trust fund on behalf of a trustor intending to transfer the assets to a beneficiary.

Utilizing Income Trusts Certain income trusts, known as qualified income trusts (QITs) or Miller trusts, are often employed in elder law practices to safeguard assets, enabling an individual to qualify for Medicaid. These trusts prove beneficial in instances requiring long-term care.

Furthermore, an income trust could also signify an irrevocable trust where the grantor or the trust's owner no longer has access to the principal amount of the trust, now assigned to a beneficiary. However, the grantor can still receive income payments from the trust based on interest accrued on the investments within the trust.

Implications of High Cash Flow Companies The companies with high cash flow are often utilized to establish income trusts. The earnings of these companies are channeled through to shareholders, making income trusts an attractive proposition for investors seeking steady income.

Income trusts provide a stable and consistent source of income from diverse sources. The way they're structured allows for earnings to be passed on directly to beneficiaries, making them a viable investment avenue for both personal and commercial investment. This flexibility and potential for steady income make income trusts an attractive choice for many investors.


Income trusts are a type of company that has been structured to pass through all earnings to shareholders. A trust is a legal entity, that seeks to use assets in the best interest of beneficiaries.

Some pooled investments are categorized as trusts, and they pass all income (and the tax implications) on to investors. Examples include a real estate investment trust (REIT), a royalty trust, a utility trust, or a business investment trust (also known as a master limited partnership, or MLP). Mutual funds can also fall into this category, but they are not necessarily designed just for income.

The other examples are based on companies with high cash flow. A qualified income trust (QIT), also called a Miller trust, is sometimes used in elder law practices to shield assets and to allow an individual to get on Medicaid. Such trusts come in handy in the event of long-term care needs.

An income trust might also refer to an irrevocable trust in which the grantor or owner of the trust cannot touch the principal amount of the trust anymore, which is bound to a beneficiary, but can receive income payments from the trust based on interest earned on the investments within the trust.

What is Shareholders Equity?
What is a Revocable Trust?

Disclaimers and Limitations

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