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What is Ease of Movement?

In the world of technical analysis, traders and investors utilize various indicators to understand price movements and identify potential trading opportunities. One such indicator is the Ease of Movement (EMV), which measures the degree to which prices can be influenced by a lower volume of trading. In this article, we will delve into the concept of ease of movement, its calculation, and its significance in analyzing market trends.

Understanding Ease of Movement:

Ease of movement refers to the relationship between price change and trading volume. It quantifies the extent to which prices can be moved with less volume, indicating the ease or difficulty of driving price movements. When prices increase on low volume, the EMV indicator generates high positive values. Conversely, larger negative values suggest that prices are declining with relatively low trade volume.

Calculation and Components:

The Ease of Movement indicator was developed by Richard Arms, who also introduced the Arms Index as a measure of the relationship between price movements and volume. Arms incorporated elements of his Equivolume Box chart into the EMV calculation, which helps identify strong breakouts by expanding boxes for days with higher trade volume.

The EMV equation takes into account the average price difference from one day or period to the next, divided by the Box Ratio. The Box Ratio represents the ease with which prices can be moved based on the size of the price range for the day (denominator) and the trading volume (numerator). A smaller Box Ratio indicates a higher ease of movement, as the denominator's range is larger compared to the trade volume in the numerator. Consequently, a smaller box ratio results in a larger EMV number.

Interpreting Ease of Movement:

The Ease of Movement indicator can be used for single days to gain insights into price movements. However, its effectiveness can be enhanced by incorporating it into a simple moving average line for longer periods, such as a 14-day average, to generate trade signals. Traders and investors often combine the EMV indicator with other technical analysis tools to confirm trends and increase the probability of successful trades.

The Role of Technical Analysis:

It is important to note that no single indicator works perfectly for all securities. Traders and analysts employ a combination of indicators to gain a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics. The Ease of Movement indicator serves as a valuable tool within the broader field of technical analysis, providing insights into price movements and potential trading opportunities.

Leveraging Technology and Artificial Intelligence:

In today's digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in trading and investing. Advanced platforms and artificial intelligence tools, such as those offered by Tickeron, enable traders to access real-time market data, analyze signals, and execute trades based on defined technical strategies. These tools help traders make informed, rational, and effective trading decisions by automating processes and eliminating emotional biases. The Ease of Movement indicator is a valuable tool in technical analysis, quantifying the relationship between price change and trading volume. By assessing the ease or difficulty of price movements, traders can gain insights into market trends and potential trading opportunities. When used in conjunction with other indicators and analytical techniques, the EMV can enhance the accuracy of trade signals and improve overall trading outcomes. Leveraging technology and artificial intelligence further empowers traders by providing access to advanced tools and data-driven insights for successful trading strategies.


The Ease of Movement (EMV) indicator measures the degree to which prices can be moved by a lower volume of trading. It was developed by Richard Arms, inventor of the Arms Index, which also attempts to quantify the relationship between price movements and volume. High positive values indicate a present tendency for prices to increase on low volume, and larger negative values indicate that prices are slipping lower but with relatively low trade volume.

Arms also developed the Equivolume Box chart, which makes identifying strong breakouts easier by widening boxes for days with higher trade volume. The Equivolume Box calculation is partially used in computing the EMV. The Box Ratio indicates how easy prices were to move based on the size of the price range for the day (the denominator), and the volume of trading (the numerator).

The EMV equation uses the difference in the average price from one day or period to the next, divided by the Box Ratio. A higher ease of movement is indicated by a smaller Box Ratio (because there will be a larger range in the denominator compared to the trade volume in the numerator). The smaller the box ratio in the denominator of our EMV ratio, the larger our EMV number.

The EMV can be useful for single days and can offer additional perspective when combined into a simple moving average line for periods such as 14 days in order to generate trade signals

Technical analysis is more popular than ever, but it’s important to remember that there is no single indicator that works well for all securities. Analysts will use the EMV in conjunction with other indicators to confirm trends and increase their odds of success.

Technology allows us to not only see and share trading information more quickly than ever before, but to automate trades using a disciplined technical strategy we define. Artificial intelligence tools from Tickeron can aid traders with trade ideas, help analyze signals to execute advantageous trades, and assist investors with making rational, emotionless, and effective trading decisions.

What is the Arms Index (TRIN)?
What is the Chaikin Oscillator?

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