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What is a Bankruptcy Trustee?

A bankruptcy trustee is appointed to oversee the liquidation of a debtor’s estate. A bankruptcy trustee has an obligation to do all he or she can to maximize the amount that a bankrupt entity’s estate can pay to the debtor’s unsecured creditors. The trustee must also challenge the claims of a creditor where appropriate. The estate is constituted of all of the bankrupt entity’s nonexempt assets. The trustee will oversee the “341” meeting, in the case of Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Continue reading...

What is Mortgage Modification?

Mortgage modifications are arrangements agreed to by the lender that are outside of the contractual mortgage agreement, in instances where the borrower experiences unique circumstances or hardship. An example of a mortgage modification is a loan forbearance, which is when a lender agrees to let the borrower temporarily stop payments for an agreed-upon span of time, before resuming payments with an added repayment stipulation for the time spent not paying. Continue reading...

What are the 9 States Without Income Tax and How Do They Impact Your Finances?

Considering a move to a state with no income tax? While it may sound financially appealing, the broader tax landscape can be intricate. Dive into an in-depth exploration of nine U.S. states that don't levy income tax, from the sunny coasts of Florida to the rugged terrains of Wyoming. Discover their unique tax structures, affordability rankings, and the impact of other taxes and costs. Whether you're eyeing the bustling tech hubs of Washington or the serene landscapes of New Hampshire, get a comprehensive understanding of what it truly means financially to reside in these tax-friendly states. Continue reading...

What is the review of Blue Cross Blue Shield's Medicare plan?

🔵 Exploring BCBS Medicare Plans? Dive into our comprehensive review! Uncover the pros like their wide reach across 41 states, additional coverage during the "Medicare Donut Hole", & stellar 4.3/5 star ratings. But, be mindful of higher costs & state variability. 🌟 #MedicareReview #BCBS. Continue reading...

FAQ: How does the Autopilot feature in Tickeron's portfolio work?

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Week (May 27 - 31) in Review: Financial Leaders

Navigate a week of market volatility with our in-depth review! From soaring tech ETFs to the dynamic shifts in global stocks, uncover the key trends that shaped the financial landscape from May 27 to May 31. Stay informed and strategize effectively with our comprehensive analysis. Continue reading...

FAQ: What are Buy/Sell signals, and how are they generated?

Unlock the secret to smarter trading decisions with our advanced Buy/Sell signals. Discover how our unique blend of technical analysis, neural network processing, and fundamental analysis metrics can guide your investment strategies for enhanced market success. Explore the synergy between TA Score, FA Score, and our comprehensive Rating System for signals that empower your trades. Continue reading...

FAQ: What constitutes the Buy/Sell signals on Tickeron, and what process leads to their generation?

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FAQ: Can you describe the mechanism behind creating Buy/Sell signals on Tickeron?

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FAQ: How are the Buy and Sell recommendations formulated on the Tickeron platform?

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FAQ: What is the origin and methodology of Buy/Sell signals on Tickeron?

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FAQ: In what way does Tickeron develop its Buy/Sell trading signals?

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FAQ: What is the process behind Tickeron's generation of Buy/Sell signals?

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FAQ: How does Tickeron create its Buy and Sell trading indicators?

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FAQ: What are the components and creation process of Tickeron's Buy/Sell signals?

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FAQ: How do Buy/Sell signals come about on Tickeron, and what’s the underlying method?

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FAQ: What is the basis for Tickeron's Buy/Sell signal generation?

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Backtesting: Trade Ideas with Odds of Success

On Tickeron’s homepage, you will see a news feed just like you would see on Facebook. However, even if you aren’t a subscriber to Tickeron yet, you can use and customize the newsfeed (to a degree). There are several more options for customizing the newsfeed and gaining greater access to information and insights for subscribers. Non-subscribers can filter the news based on asset classes/securities such as stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, and Forex: Continue reading...

Which order should I use, a Stop-Loss or a Stop-Limit Order?

Are you searching for the best order to protect your investments? Dive into the world of trading with our comprehensive guide on stop-loss and stop-limit orders. Learn how these tools work, when to use them, and the pros and cons of each. Make informed decisions to safeguard your assets in any market conditions. Continue reading...

What Qualifies You as a "Trader," and How Do You Report Income and Expenses?

If you buy and sell securities, you may qualify for tax status as a ‘trader,’ which importantly may qualify you for certain business tax breaks. The rules governing this status can be confusing, however, making it difficult to determine whether you qualify as a trader, investor, or dealer. Let’s take a closer look at the qualifications for traders as defined by the IRS, as well as how to report income and expenses if qualified. Continue reading...