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What are Blockchain’s Issues and Limitations?

Blockchain is an emerging technology and arguably one of the next “big things.” As with anything so big and impactful, it comes with a few issues and limitations. Before even diving into the technology behind blockchain and potential issues, perhaps one of the broadest issues facing blockchain is gaining the public’s trust. Blockchain is not only a new technology, it also comes with its own language, literally. There are numerous terms and definitions that accompany a person’s grasp of blockchain, and it can take some commitment of reading and learning to figure out. Not everyone is willing or able to do that. Continue reading...

What is Publication 515, Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities?

IRS Link to Publication — Found Here Publication 515 serves as a guide for employers with regards to the tax withholding requirements for nonresident alien employees. It also addresses income being paid to foreign corporations and partnerships, foreign trusts and estates, and foreign governments and international organizations. Income paid by companies to employees who are not US residents will have to follow regulations including withholding and filing requirements outlines in this Publication and the referenced forms. Continue reading...

Best Energy Stocks to Buy: SM vs. FANG vs. ET - A Comprehensive Analysis

Venturing into the energy sector? Dive into a comprehensive analysis of ET, FANG, and SM. From market capitalizations to global energy dynamics, uncover which stock might light up your portfolio. Ready to fuel your investment knowledge? Continue reading...

Top OTC Stocks to Buy: A Comparative Analysis of CCL vs. NCLH

OTC stocks CCL and NCLH go head-to-head in the bustling consumer services sector. Which emerges as the top pick for investors? Dive in to unravel the financial intricacies and discover the golden investment opportunity! Continue reading...

What are foreign deposits?

Foreign deposits are taken in by international branch locations of US-based banking institutions. Banks are not obligated to pay FDIC premiums on these deposits. Foreign deposits are placed by customers into a US-based bank branch which is located in international locations. Because it is outside of Federal jurisdiction, banks are not subject to the same capital reserve requirements and do not have to pay FDIC insurance on the deposits. Continue reading...

What is a "spread"?

Spread has several meanings in finance, but the most general usage is to describe the difference between the bid and the ask prices for a security, where a narrower spread would indicate high trading volume and liquidity. It also might refer to a type of options strategy in which an investor purchases two calls or two puts on the same underlying security but with different expiration dates or strike prices. Continue reading...

How Does Blockchain Technology Work?

Blockchains are intended to maintain integrity in the system without anyone needing to monitor or control it. By instituting a system of checks and balances that functions on its own accord through rules programmed into the protocol, and which also makes decisions and keeps records based on consensus throughout a peer-to-peer network, a blockchain oversees its own activities without requiring any trust in a central authority or the other parties involved. Continue reading...

What is the Investors Intelligence Sentiment Index and How Does it Operate?

The Investors Intelligence Index is a widely accepted and valuable tool for investors seeking to gauge the sentiment in the stock market. Established in the 1950s and refined in the 1960s, this index plays a pivotal role in helping traders understand the prevailing balance of power between the bulls and bears in the market. It serves as a critical contrarian indicator, offering insights into potential market reversals. Continue reading...

What is Speculation in Finance and How Does It Work?

Speculation, often viewed with skepticism, is a crucial facet of the financial landscape. It's a realm where high risks meet the allure of significant rewards. Speculators, far from being mere gamblers, play a vital role in shaping markets, providing liquidity, and supporting young industries. This guide delves deep into the essence of speculation, from its impact on stock and currency markets to its influence on global economic trends. Whether you're an investor or just curious about the financial world, understanding speculation is key. Dive in to unravel the intricacies of this high-stakes game and its undeniable impact on the world of finance. Continue reading...

Leveraging AI to Find Financially Sound Stocks

Explore Tickeron's innovative Trend Trader Long-Only Profitability Models that leverage advanced technologies to optimize trading strategies for mid-cap and small-cap stocks, enhancing your trading success. Continue reading...

Top Single-Family Home Builder Stocks

In the vast expanse of the financial markets, certain sectors resonate with the rhythm of economic growth, technological advancement, and consumer demand. The construction sector, particularly companies specializing in building single-family homes, stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of homeownership. This article delves into the world of single-family home builders, highlighting the key players and their financial standing, to offer investors a comprehensive guide to navigating this lucrative market. Continue reading...

What is Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance?

Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage is normally offered as a rider on health or regular life insurance policies, or as a part of voluntary deduction supplemental insurance offered to an employee group. AD&D policies provide separate coverage and terms for the instance of death by accident and the loss of limbs or specific functionality of body parts. The main attraction to this insurance is that it is very affordable, and many employees check to box to have it deducted from their pay because it is such a negligible amount. Continue reading...

What is a Credit Spread?

Credit Spread is an indication of the default risk perceived in corporate bonds at the current time. The credit spread is the difference between the yield on the safest bonds and the riskiest bonds. How much does it cost corporations to issue bonds, in terms of the yield expected by investors in the current market? Typically, a higher spread indicates a more unstable economy. Buyers of large quantities of bonds tend to insure their purchases, and the cost of the insurance is usually reflected in so-called CDS's (Credit Default Swaps). The more expensive the CDS's are, the more risky it is to purchase the bond. Continue reading...

The Best Agriculture Stocks to Cultivate in Your Portfolio

Unlock the potential of the agriculture sector with our expert financial analysis. Find out which farming stocks are ripe for investment, from AgTech innovators to organic market leaders. Get ready to sow the seeds of sustainable growth in your portfolio Continue reading...

What is Federal Reserve Credit?

The Federal Reserve extends credit in the form of short-term loans to member banks. Banks avoid taking loans from the Fed if they can, because it is viewed as a sign of instability. The Federal Discount Rate applies to loans taken from what is known as the discount window at the Fed, and it tends to be a higher rate than what is charged between two banks. The Federal Reserve will extend credit only to banking institutions that are members of the Federal Reserve system. Continue reading...

Where Find the Best Online Stock Trading Classes?

In the realm of stock trading, knowledge and strategy are key factors for success. As more individuals enter the stock market, the demand for comprehensive education in trading is burgeoning. To aid prospective traders in navigating this intricate field, various online stock trading classes have emerged, providing a range of courses catering to diverse skill levels and interests. Continue reading...

What is Form 1099-MISC?

IRS Link to Form — Found Here The 1099-MISC form is filed by the payer, which is the business (whether for-profit or not-for-profit) making the distributions or payments to an individual who is operating in a non-employee capacity as independent contractor. This form is also used to report rental income, royalties, and Indian gaming profits. Independent contractors are often used by businesses for various kinds of labor. These arrangements might be temporary or long-standing, but the business and worker have agreed that the contractor is not an employee, and does not have employee benefits. Continue reading...

What Does the Term 'Bear Market' Signify?

In the world of finance, few terms evoke as much anxiety and dread as the "bear market." It's a phrase that investors dread, but understanding what a bear market is and how it operates is crucial for anyone navigating the complex world of finance. In this guide, we'll explore the definition of a bear market, its various phases, provide real-world examples, and offer insights into how to invest during one. A bear market is a period of sustained price declines in a market, usually involving securities like stocks or commodities, that results in a 20% or greater drop from recent highs. Continue reading...

Costs to avoid as you approach retirement

Discover key strategies to cut costs and boost your retirement savings. From smart home decisions to savvy financial planning, learn how to avoid common pitfalls and secure your financial future Continue reading...

What is the Federal Discount Rate?

The Federal Discount Rate is the interest rate that the Federal Reserve charges banks for borrowing money. This is usually done overnight to satisfy reserve requirements on short notice. It is different than the Federal Funds Rate, which is the rate that banks charge each other. The 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks determine their Federal Discount Rate in board meetings every 14 days. It is the interest that will be charged to member banks to borrow directly from the Fed, which they do at times in order to make sure they have enough capital reserves to satisfy regulations. Continue reading...