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What is foreign debt?

Foreign Debt is also called International Debt or External debt. It is the amount of debt that is owed by one country to other countries or entities outside of the borrowing country’s borders. A country may find it easy to raise capital for operations and projects by issuing lots of bonds and taking on lots of debt obligations. If this proves to be unsustainable, or if the sheer amount of debt has investors worried, it can have significant detrimental effects and send an economy spiraling out of control. Continue reading...

What is Hyperinflation?

Hyperinflation is when a rate of inflation grows exponentially, and a currency is rapidly devalued. Hyperinflation occurs in the midst of dire economic circumstances. This is usually partially due to the piling on of downward price pressure in which newly printed currency rapidly floods the market as the government attempts to cover debt obligations. Sometimes this stems from situations where the government is having trouble receiving adequate taxes from the population. Continue reading...

What is fiat money, and how does it function?

Unlock the secrets of Fiat Money! 🏦 Dive into its history, risks, and significance in modern economies. Discover why trust and government credibility are its foundation, and explore its evolution in the US. 🇺🇸 Advantages, disadvantages, and fascinating examples await. 💰 #FiatMoney #Economy Continue reading...

What is the Deutschmark? and What Were the Key Factors Behind the Deutschmark's Strength and Stability?

Dive into the captivating journey of the Deutschmark, Germany's emblematic currency that stood as a beacon of stability in Europe's tumultuous landscape. From its birth after World War II, its role in Cold War dynamics, to its eventual transition to the euro, the Deutschmark's tale is intertwined with Germany's economic resurgence and its influence on European monetary systems. Discover how this currency, affectionately known as the "D-mark," navigated through challenges, became a symbol of reliability, and laid the groundwork for the Euro era. A deep dive into a currency that's more than just money—it's a piece of history. Continue reading...

What Is Demonetization?

Demonetization is a significant economic intervention that involves stripping a currency unit of its legal tender status. This process entails withdrawing the existing currency from circulation and often introducing new notes or coins. In some cases, an entire overhaul of the currency system takes place. This article delves into the concept of demonetization, its historical examples, advantages, disadvantages, and its impact on economies. Continue reading...

What is Bankruptcy Court?

Bankruptcy court is a special judicial proceeding which determines how a debtor can settle accounts and move on. Bankruptcy courts are always federal, and not state, courts. They were established in the Constitution and given structure by the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978. They give debtors a means of moving beyond debts that cannot be fully repaid. There are several kinds of bankruptcy filings (found here — ‘chapter 7-15’, some for individuals, some for businesses, some involving foreign entities or persons operating in the US. Some are for absolution and the dissolution of a business entity, and other filings are requests for partial debt forgiveness and reorganization of the entity. Continue reading...

What is the U.S. Dollar (USD) and Why Does It Dominate the Global Economy?

The U.S. Dollar (USD) isn't just a currency; it's a symbol of global economic dominance. As the official currency of the United States, the USD has evolved over centuries to become the world's primary reserve currency, influencing global trade, forex markets, and international reserves. From its early days anchored to the gold standard to its modern-day status as a free-floating fiat currency, the journey of the USD is a testament to the economic prowess of the USA. Its stability, global acceptance, and role in oil trade (petrodollars) further amplify its significance. Moreover, with the advent of digital currencies, the USD continues to adapt, as seen with the USDCoin. As we navigate the intricate world of finance, the USD stands tall as a beacon of trust, stability, and strength, shaping the financial destinies of nations and individuals alike. Dive in to unravel the story of the world's most influential currency. Continue reading...

What is currency substitution?

Currency Substitution can be an official or ad hoc occurrence in a country whose commerce is partially, or fully, conducted using the currency of another country. Some currencies which are pegged to another currency at a fixed rate (especially at whole integers) are domestically exchanged in the same manner that the local currency is. Many countries have completely adopted the currency of another country, and do not have a central bank of their own. Continue reading...

What is currency in circulation?

Currency in circulation tends to be defined as the currency held by commercial banks, and currency with the public, without including long-term deposits or investments. As much as 2/3rd of Currency in Circulation is held outside of the borders of the US, and is estimated to be around $1.5 trillion as of 2016. Currency in Circulation is one part of what’s known as the money supply. Money supply is divided into four levels: M0, M1, M2, and M3. Some might define currency in circulation as the larger part of M0, which is the money base, constituted by the currency held in commercial banking institutions and excluding central bank reserves / Federal funds. This definition disregards the Currency with Public, which is included in other definitions and is part of M1. Continue reading...

What Is Inflation?

Inflation is a natural economic phenomenon characterized by the increase in the prices of goods and services over time, resulting in a decrease in the purchasing power of money. This article explores the various aspects of inflation, its causes, measurement, and effects on the economy, as well as strategies to mitigate its impact. Continue reading...

What's the Difference Yuan vs. Renminbi?

Chinese currency is a topic of significant interest in today's global economic landscape. It not only reflects the status of one of the world's largest economic powers but is also central to a contentious issue surrounding China – the perception of its mercantilist policies, particularly the alleged manipulation of its currency's value to gain an unfair advantage in international trade, especially against the U.S. dollar. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of Chinese currency, explaining the distinctions between the Chinese Yuan (CNY) and the People's Renminbi (RMB) and shedding light on the associated issues. Continue reading...

What Are Black Swan Events in Investing?

J.C. Penney, an iconic name in American retail, faces turbulent times. With its stock plummeting to historic lows and the shadow of competitors' failures looming, is there hope on the horizon? This analysis delves into the factors influencing J.C. Penney's stock trajectory, from economic challenges to internal strategies. Discover the company's financial maneuvers, its position in the broader retail landscape, and the potential paths it might take in the coming years. Whether you're an investor or just curious about the fate of a retail giant, this exploration offers insights into the complexities of the modern retail market. Continue reading...

What is the definition of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)?

Explore Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), a groundbreaking approach redefining government finance and money creation. MMT challenges conventional beliefs about fiscal policy, revealing how sovereign countries can create money without relying on taxes or borrowing. Delve into its origins, growth, and key principles, including its unique perspective on government debt. While MMT gains momentum, it faces substantial criticism, raising questions about its potential as a revolutionary economic paradigm. Join the ongoing debate on the future of fiscal policy and economic thought. #MMT #Economics #Finance Continue reading...