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What if the Matching Contribution for My 401(k) is in Company Stock?

Employer contributions in the form of company stock can pose some liquidity issues, but it can also be a nice benefit. If the matching contribution to your 401(k) is made in company stock, you have to weigh carefully your overall exposure to the financial well-being of your company. You are already receiving the current income (salary) from your employer. You may also have taken advantage of an Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) or Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) outside of the retirement plan. Therefore, you might already have a lot riding on the stability of your company. Continue reading...

Top COVID-19 Vaccine Stocks

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries have surged to the forefront of the global economy. The race to develop a vaccine against this formidable virus has spotlighted several key players in the sector, each demonstrating unique strengths and investment potential. This article delves into the financial aspects of some of the most notable companies in this realm: Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), Merck & Co (MRK), Pfizer (PFE), Moderna (MRNA), Novavax (NVAX), and Inovio Pharmaceuticals (INO). Continue reading...

Strategies for Optimizing Profit and Mitigating Risk in Stock Trading

Unlock the potential of derivatives trading with our comprehensive guide! Learn how to optimize profits and mitigate risks in the stock market. From understanding the basics of put and call options to leveraging futures contracts and hedging with derivatives, we've got you covered. Start your journey towards profitable trading today! Continue reading...