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What are Bank Fees?

Bank fees are penalties or maintenance requirements that may apply to checking, savings, or money market accounts. Banks may charge fees for specific types of transactions, if a check bounces, or just a monthly checking account fee. There are many other types of fees and reasons for them. They may be penalties, such as an overdraft fee, or they may be customary for the kind of transaction or account being used. Continue reading...

What is an Account Hold?

An Account Hold is similar to the term Account Freeze, as both imply that transactions have been suspended for an account. A client’s financial institution might put a hold on his or her account if the individual is suspected of illegal activity, if the account is overdrawn, or if it is requested by a government entity, such as in a lien by the IRS, among other things. This is slightly different than a “freeze” or “moratorium” on the account. In a freeze, all pending transactions will be canceled and no new requests will be honored. Continue reading...

What Is a Fee?

Fees are an integral part of our financial landscape, and understanding what they are and how they work can save you from unpleasant surprises and hidden costs. In this article, we'll delve into the world of fees, exploring their definition, various types, and providing real-life examples. Whether you're a consumer or an investor, being fee-savvy is essential for managing your finances effectively. Continue reading...

What is Account Activity?

Account activity is any credit or debit activity in a checking or savings account, or investments, withdrawals, dividends or fees in an investment account. Account activity is the transactional history that will appear in ledger statements from a checking, savings, money market, investment, or other kind of financial account. This usually refers to transactions that were originated by the account owner, such as buying and selling securities or withdrawing and depositing in bank accounts, but could also include activity such as dividends, interest, fees, and other sorts of automated activity generated by the custodial institution. Continue reading...

What Is a Debit Card?

A debit card is a financial tool that plays a fundamental role in the world of modern banking and personal finance. Often referred to as "check cards" or "bank cards," debit cards provide a convenient and efficient way for individuals to make purchases and access cash. In this article, we'll delve into what exactly a debit card is, how it works, and the associated fees, as well as explore the key distinctions between debit and credit cards. Continue reading...

What is an Account Balance?

An account balance is the amount either credited to or owed on a ledger assigned to a particular entity or line-item. The balance of an account is the net debit or credit assigned to it after all transactions have been documented for a current period. Transactions might be deposits, withdrawals, interest credited, fees, or other activity. The account in question could be a personal savings or checking account, or a ledger account at a business or institution, or another form of account, such as the macroeconomic concept of current national account. Accounts are said to be “in the red” when there is a net debit (negative) amount, and “in the black” when there is a net positive balance (net credit). Continue reading...

What Are the Various Payment Types and Methods? A Comprehensive Guide

Navigate the intricate world of payments with our comprehensive guide. From age-old cash transactions to cutting-edge digital platforms, discover the pros, cons, and nuances of each payment type. Step into the future of transactions, armed with knowledge and confidence Continue reading...

What Are the Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Banking with Barclays?

Barclays Bank, a titan in the financial world, offers a blend of traditional banking and modern rewards that sets it apart. While giants like Visa and Mastercard dominate the credit card scene, Barclays carves its niche with competitive interest rates, no minimum deposit mandates, and a suite of credit card rewards that cater to diverse financial needs. However, it's not just about the offerings; Barclays' online-only model and acclaimed mobile app make banking a breeze for the digital-savvy user. But every coin has two sides. The absence of physical branches might deter some, and the exclusive nature of certain services could be a constraint for others. Dive deeper into this comprehensive review to unravel the intricacies of Barclays Bank and determine if it's the right financial partner for you. Continue reading...