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What is the relationship between major currencies in general?

There are six major currencies traded and used as benchmarks on Forex markets: United States Dollars, Euros, Yen, British Pounds, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars, and Swiss Francs. There are also relationships between these and others, known as currency correlations. Currency exchange rates can be fixed or floating, and this is determined by policy within the country and how they want to value their money. Continue reading...

How Will Ethereum Scale?

With cryptocurrencies, there is always a question of how the blockchain will scale as technology changes and the currency grows in demand. Blockchains are meant to be immutable, meaning that once a change has been made to it, such as the data for a particular transaction, the record of the transaction cannot be changed or forgotten. This means that, for one thing, the distributed ledger that holds the record of all the transactions will inevitably get larger and larger, and any computer that wishes to be a node may have to download a potential cumbersome file with all that data. Continue reading...

What is Economies of Scale?

Economies of Scale is an economic concept that says the efficiency of production rises as the quantity of goods produced increases. With scale, the costs associated with production should decrease thereby allowing a company to increase profitability with more goods produced. However, in many cases the upside potential is not necessarily unlimited. A company may experience diminishing marginal returns to producing more goods. Continue reading...

Keywords: profits, supply, demand,

What are the most important indicators for successful scalping trading?

Unlock Scalping Success! 📈 Master the art of short-term trading with precision. Explore key indicators for success: Moving Average Ribbon Entry Strategy Relative Strength/Weakness Exit Strategy Multiple Chart Scalping Maximize profits, minimize losses, and conquer the fast-paced world of scalping. 🚀 #ScalpingSuccess #TradingTips Continue reading...

How can small, quick profits accumulate through scalping?

Unlock Small, Quick Profits with Scalping in Trading! Dive into the world of rapid gains through small price changes. Discover scalping strategies, the benefits, and expert tips for novice scalpers. Start your journey to success in this exciting trading style. #TradingTips #ScalpingStrategies Continue reading...

How to Determine Your Best Trading Style

Discover your ideal trading style and unlock your financial potential. From fast-paced scalp trading to long-term position trading, learn the ins and outs of each approach and find out how AI tools like Tickeron can enhance your trading strategy. Start your journey towards successful trading today! Continue reading...

What are the 4 Common Active Trading Strategies?

Active trading is a dynamic and engaging approach to the world of financial markets. Unlike passive investing, which involves buying and holding securities over the long term, active trading aims to profit from short-term price movements. This strategy is not limited to professional traders anymore, as the accessibility of online trading platforms and resources has made it available to a broader audience. In this article, we will explore four common active trading strategies that traders use to navigate the fast-paced world of stock trading. Continue reading...

5 Factors for Selecting your Trading Style

Embark on a transformative journey through the trading world, where artificial intelligence meets personal strategy. Uncover how AI is revolutionizing trading styles from day to swing, and beyond, offering personalized insights and automated precision with Tickeron Patterns and AI Robots. Dive into a future where your trading aligns perfectly with your goals, powered by the cutting-edge fusion of finance and AI technology Continue reading...

What is the Home Market Effect?

The Home Market Effect is a term used in macroeconomic theory describing a concentration of an industry’s production facilities being concentrated in the larger national economies where its primary consumers exist. The home market effect (HME) is a theoretical term used in trade theory economics. The domestic economy in this case has an effect on the international prices and economy related to these goods. Continue reading...

What are Bond Ratings?

The possibility of a company or municipal government defaulting on their bond obligations, usually by going bankrupt, is a real one. For this reason, all bonds are rated according to the financial stability of the issuer. A look at the history of corporate and municipal debt will illuminate the fact that the possibility of the issuer being unable to pay its obligations to bondholders is a very real one. There is an established system of bond ratings that gives a rough estimate of the bond's reliability. Continue reading...

How to use the Aroon Indicators in trading?

The Aroon Indicators are a pair of momentum indicators – the Aroon Up value and Aroon Down value – named after the Sanskrit word for the first light of day. Each indicator represents a standardized value for the strength of the upward or downward pressure on a stock, which analysts can compare to determine if there is a trend emerging. Aroon looks at the latency between highs for certain rolling time periods, with 25 days being the standard time frame. Continue reading...

What Is Embezzlement?

Embezzlement is a term that frequently surfaces in discussions about financial crimes, but what exactly does it entail, and how does it occur? This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of embezzlement, shedding light on its definition, mechanisms, legal implications, and prevention strategies. Embezzlement is a form of white-collar crime characterized by the intentional misappropriation of assets entrusted to an individual or entity. In essence, the embezzler gains access to these assets legally and is authorized to possess them but subsequently diverts them for unauthorized purposes. Continue reading...

What is currency exchange?

Currencies can be exchanged for other currencies, and there are more reasons to do this than most people realize. People are familiar with the currency exchange in the context of tourists stopping by a currency exchange kiosk so that they can buy trinkets at the local tourist traps, but the Foreign Exchange (Forex) market, where currencies are traded, is the largest market in the world by far. Currencies are exchanged for each other on a massive scale on the international Forex market. Thousands of banks connect through electronic trading systems which are part of the interbank forex market. Millions of smaller-scale traders and individuals also engage in Forex trading, either over-the-counter or on regulated international exchanges. Continue reading...

What Is Intraday Trading and How Do Intraday Strategies Work?

In the fast-paced world of finance, the term "intraday" is a buzzword used to describe securities that are traded on the markets during regular business hours, showcasing their highs and lows throughout the trading day. For day traders, intraday movements hold a special significance, as they diligently monitor these price fluctuations with the hopes of reaping quick profits. In this article, we will delve into what intraday trading is, its underlying principles, and the strategies that power it. Continue reading...

What are the guidelines to follow when selecting stocks for intraday trading?

Unlock Intraday Trading Success! 📈 Dive into the art of stock selection for day trading! Master liquidity, volatility, and correlation strategies for maximizing gains. Don't miss out on this path to potential profits! 💰 #IntradayTrading #StockSelection Continue reading...

What Are ESG Scores and Why Are They Important for Companies?

Dive into the world of ESG scores, a crucial metric in modern investing. This guide unravels the essence of Environmental, Social, and Governance scores, offering insights into their importance, the agencies that rate them, and how to interpret them. Whether you're an investor aiming for ethical investments or a company striving for sustainability, understanding ESG scores is pivotal. Discover the nuances of these scores, the challenges they present, and the frameworks like GRI that facilitate their reporting. Equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate the complex landscape of responsible investing. Continue reading...

BB-/Ba3 — Credit Rating

BB- — S&P / Fitch Ba3 — Moody’s The BB-/Ba3 rating is given to bonds and companies who have a moderate risk of default, and this rating appears around the middle of a scale with over 20 ratings. There are two symbols in this example which are the same rating: Fitch and S&P use BB-, and Moody’s uses Ba3. These are the Big Three of the Credit Ratings Agencies (CRAs) that the SEC has sanctioned to issue ratings which can be used for internal regulation within industry groups. Continue reading...

Best Mining Stocks: Digging Deep into the Heart of the Industry

Journey into the depths of the mining sector! From industry titans to the pulse of global demand, discover what shapes the world of mining stocks. Ready to unearth the treasures of this age-old industry and its modern-day dynamics? Continue reading...

Identifying the Trading Style That Suits You Best

Step into the dynamic world of finance where the line between trading and investing blurs. Are you a thrill-seeker, making quick decisions on the market's pulse, or a visionary, looking ahead for substantial gains? From the fast-paced strategies of scalp and momentum trading to the calculated patience of investing, this guide illuminates the distinct paths of financial mastery. Delve into the nuances of technical and fundamental analysis, uncover the potential of automated trading, and prepare to chart your course. Whether you're about to dive into the market's waves or strategize from the shore, embark on a journey of discovery with insights that could redefine your financial destiny. Continue reading...

What Does M&A Mean?

A stands for Mergers and Acquisitions, and refers to the consolidation of companies or assets for strategic purposes. It does not necessarily have to imply that one company wholly takes over another — there are a number of different transactions that can fall under the M&A umbrella, which can include purchase of key assets or management acquisitions. In nearly all cases, however, there are two companies involved - the buyer of capital and the seller. Continue reading...